Actually it may be cheaper for international students, but local students can defer a significant part the fee just like hecs afaik. For international students (particularly from rich HK) the fee is generally worth it for the "brand" of the University. You will also probably find better paid...
Thats what I first thought aswell - that i'd probably get around the 98 mark.
But you will probably get in as an NSB doing 4/4/3/2. I heard that your grade is shit though.
ANU is the worst option as living far from home costs as much as the full fee itself. If you're well off or have asian parents pay the fee, if not go to a third tier Uni like Macq. or UTS.
There are also more NSBs at UNSW and USyd. - probably about 8 in each of the law schools.
I wonder if u've met many migrants (not tourists) in australia without the ability to speak basic english. Chances are that they'll be pensioners with family members that can speak english and complete paperwork on their behalf. This whole plan relies on the prejudice one-languaged aussies feel...
In terms of numbers there's not much difference between UNSW and USYD I think, although UNSW probably has slightly more. UNSW has more "fobby" and ghetto music asians, while USYD has more international students and "banana" asians. It depends on what type of asian you are.
In principle this sort of punishment would be extended - after all, what makes paedophilia so different from any other horrible crime? If that was the case, we could also say that someone who stomped a person to death should have her feet cut off, and that a person who has stabbed another should...
Castration is just barbaric - something that shouldn't be inflicted for any crime, and life seems a bit long relative to sentences for other crimes in Australia.