I think you have some hope of doing quite well. English Adv is the real worry as internal ranking might drag you down, but if you do well in phys, chem, sdd and 4u maths in the actual hsc (solid band 5s or better) you might be pushing for the 90s.
If it's a yes/no question you can give the short answer and elaborate later on, but you should at least give an immediate answer if you're able to. With the citations thing I think it's better to let the bench decide when you should dispense with formal citation.
Spot on. We could do with a totalitarian regime in this decadent society.
Seriously though, it's gonna depend on the person and the situation.
Workers -> Big Govt
Bosses -> Small Govt
Poor -> Big Govt
Rich -> Small Govt
Heartless Libs -> Small Govt
Bleeding hearts -> Big Govt
I reckon it's good to write with a bit of illegibility, just not too small. This forces the marker to slow down and actually read what you have to write instead of merely skimming through the essay, giving the marker a subconscious illusion that your essay is longer than others. If you're an...
Just study till you drop, get some rest, then study again. Listen to pre-recorded essays and summaries during your sleep. As if count the number of hours.
A good idea is to make one day into two. Sleep from 2-6 at night and 2-6 in the afternoon. Then you're fresh for effective study during...
The credible explanation being that science is unable to explain the phenomenon at this point in time, not that a particular supernatural force which we have no other evidence of existing must have created the millions of organisms.
What we do not understand should not be equated with what is...
There is a distinction between having discriminating or prejudicial values and attitudes and actually carrying them out which involves the infringement of the rights (in the purely lay sense) of others. If you subconsciously believe that caucasians are superior to aborigines (as alot of us...
Bear in mind that to support any proposition, having a gap in evidence is better than an absence of any evidence. From the Cambrian explosion to the present, there is evidence of evolutionary process. I don't think there's any credible evidence at all of the existence of god, beyond the fact...
Although I think very few people actually practice the values you've mentioned, either in Australia or overseas, I agree they are "pretty good thing[s] for people living here already". Problem is, how exactly would you go about testing for these values? Any test of one's attitude towards life or...