hell no. I have nfi who the hell these people r. :p (wanton, bob and 66) they're wierd names as well....lol
there is no such movement anyways. :p
i wasnt the one that screwed it up.
EDIT: otherwise i wouldnt of asked for their ip addresses...
i have dial up...im not changing in between...
we'll know after an ip check...lol
the funny thing is that u referred to 66 as a he in ur first post about him deleting all posts...
then u go on by confirming that he/she may of deleted the posts in ur second post.
maybe im reading into it too much. pedantic...
ur inner child, sometimes it may not of been you that created the shit stirring...others may contribute to the closure of the thread....thats what i think anyway...
EDIT: wrong message above...was gonna tell u moonlight was NA mod...but then found out the thread was in NS instead...so stoopid.
Yeah, sorry.
I never said you were any of them two, why be so defensive for?
I don't understand why he deleted all his posts for. He seems to be so very credible with his assurances that UoW (Dr Nelson) likes to be very nice to students and hand out passes to turds that should of clearly...
Mods, Y R U Deleting All Of 66's Posts?
Please Retain Them As I Have To Use It.
Good Thing I Quoted Them All.
EDIT: oK, sorry mods, not ur fault.
anyway, i have all his statements quoted. deleting all posts does not do anything.
1) No you're not. You haven't stirred anything up yet.
2) I refuse to believe someone would go to the trouble of phoning a friend to talk about trivialties of an internet forum events. :p I hope people like that don't exist. :p That sounds like a vauge apology, using a another account. Of...
I thought you had 4 posts before? Mods have deleted some of your posts already?
If THEY do not visit these forums again then I will email the forum link to my lecturer Dr Nelson P and see where it goes from there. Of course, I will allow 'them' reasonably sufficent time to come up with...
Mainland fob...
do u happen to own the email, ur_mainland_boo@hotmail.com ? :p ahahahahaa
did u invite me?
this person has pink letters for their nicname.
1) The subject you are referring to is incorrect. We are talking about the introductory COMM121 course.
2) That is right, I don't have any right to demand anything from anyone. But where in my previous post do you personally interpret that I demanded anything? What I do have a right in...
Thanks, I'll read it like 2moro or something. :)
...it's worth like 3% for uni or something, watta gay question....watta boring question
I killed HSC Eco, but i forgot everything
I posted here thinking that my 7000+ post status would get me an answer from everyone that would go for as...
1) You must be old
2)We do a combo of seminars (2hrs) and lectures. There is nothing wrong with lectures if they encourage particapation. (We aren't massive in law students).
3) PASS is Peer Assisted Support Scheme. It is not a result. It is used for people who are having difficulty with...