oh wow...
i guess ur at uni pretty much 24/7 then...
all the work in med...
topped with a lotta lab work in med science...
and yes, anaesthetics is sexy...:p
I have no idea, but it seems that they do less...as i said, i have nfi...
it seems to be pretty cool...
Cloze Passages sound like a very good way for lazy people like me to remember 'simple' concepts. Say the different degrees of murder: 1st, 2nd/whateva. I think it may be construed as 'spoonfeeding' by a lot of people.
I still think problem questions are best. At least you can apply what you've...
Is this a problem question?
Or just a normal essay?
I'd think an introduction briefly outlining the nature of the problem, factors surrounding it, and possible remedies?
dont really matter...
i found out i had 2 weeks advantage over people who neva did hsc legal studies. ...yayyy...
ur not going to be significantly disadvantaged....
they're supposed to teach it in a way which asssumes u have no prior knowledge anyway...
The driest subjects are the foundation ones. Once you get them over and done with, you will probably find most your core to be pretty similar. That is, a lot of reading, a lot of technical law stuff and a lot of late nights.
I can't wait for Evidence, that sounds heaps interesting. :)...
LoLz, I mean, do people really think that lecturers spoonfeed their students? Lecturers/ Professors are what they are because of their dedication and hard work. They aren't going to do something that would ruin their reputation/go against their own beliefs of hard work just to 'help' students...
You hate wollongong? I can't blame you, it's a hole. :p If you're after serenity though, then that's the place.
Driving takes a little bit faster I think. But you live in Linfield!
The train isn't all that bad, you tend to either sleep or study. I choose sleep. :p
The South Coast line is...