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  1. santaslayer

    UWS UAI-Cut Offs So Low, Why ?

    The number of places available is also a high determinant of UAI.
  2. santaslayer

    Should i ask him?

    I'd still go to a formal if any girl asked me. :p *waits*
  3. santaslayer

    Should i ask him?

    A girl asked me to her formal when I was in 1st year of uni. I said yes. I don't think many guys would have much of a reason to reject a girl. It's not like they're asking us to marry them. It isn't much of a big deal. Oh yeah, I paid for my own ticket.
  4. santaslayer

    concurrent uni degrees

    BNoth unis are quite far apart from each other. Unless you live somewhere in between?
  5. santaslayer

    Beijing and Shanghai Winter Schools

    Frigid, in terms of the thread question, I have no idea about the practicality of going overseas to do an introductory legal course, but if you do decide to go, I would strongly recommend the shanghainese one. Shanghai girls are so flavoursome. :p
  6. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    But we DO have Advanced Crim. Suz, that's pretty interesting! and yeah, even the tutors seem to be better. James Goudkamp and Elisa (i think that was her name) were selected to work for kirby CJ....and i feel asleep in most of their loss. :p :(
  7. santaslayer

    who is nathan barton?

    We know you aren't a top bloke.
  8. santaslayer

    concurrent uni degrees

    whoa... will someone think of the HECS! :p thats awesome leftrightout. :)
  9. santaslayer

    Australian University Teaching Rankings

    The question is WHY couldn't it fair poorly against other universities? The problem about the critics in this forum is that they already ASSUME that universities such as USYD and UNSW are the best in Australia. It is overly difficult to reconcile matters if one does not divorce such a notion...
  10. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    1) Refer to neo's post. 2) You aren't being harsh at all, since nothing you have posted has directly dissed myself or UoW/weakened my position. You have though, been fairly suggestive.
  11. santaslayer

    concurrent uni degrees

    Oh wow really? Are you able to comment more about yourself. (In terms of your degrees, and what your teaching?) :) BIOGRAPHY: Uni is fun. LoLz. :p
  12. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    1) No, I didn't say I dont like law. I said I don't like law as much as frigid or melsc. Well, you could correct me if I make any Law subject related mistakes. I have no problem with that. The thing is that you still haven't successfully brought up what you are trying to convey. (I don't think...
  13. santaslayer

    forum whoring!

    OhhhHHHhh LaaHHHhhHLaaaHH.....
  14. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    1) No, you're quite right. I don't LIKE law as much as melsc or frigid. Does that make my comments any less significant in a law forum? 2) I'm not talking upo UoW's law school at all. I think I'm generally talking about UoW as a tertiary institution. The thing you quoted above has little to...
  15. santaslayer

    Australian University Teaching Rankings

    That question has no standing in this topic: 1) The rankings have only been out last week. We never "offically" knew anything about a Regional university being able to kick the crap out of sydney unis. That being said, it is quite obvious that a quite a number of people in this foruum already...
  16. santaslayer

    concurrent uni degrees

    tahts crazy./ where do u get the time?
  17. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    1) LoLz. The funny thing is that I quoted the wrong resource. It is in fact the Good Universities Guide that referred to UoW's 100% employment rate. So...what was it that you were running your mouth about..? What has this got to do with UAC? ROFLCOPTER :rolleyes: 2) See, a 31% would not be a...
  18. santaslayer


    Alpha females...? Does that mean they can cook, clean and do the washing as well as make a fortune? I'd like one please.
  19. santaslayer

    legal workaholism

    Are we supposed to be scared or optimistic?
  20. santaslayer

    Australian University Teaching Rankings

    The funny thing is that not many could compare to the top ranking university. The Federal government will be reluctant to pay out to the ones that have be trailing along. LoLz. Thanks for being the first to put the article up though. :p