*sigh* you argue like asqy, i will rewrite my post with the intended meaning:
I was referring to the general argument that it is less dangerous than speeding at black spots. Driving over the speed limit at black spots [when there is no speed camera around to make you want to stick to the...
I was referring to the general argument that it is less dangerous than speeding at black spots. Driving over the speed limit at black spots is not is safer than driving under the speed limit (yes, this is the original argument, where you say it is)
You just shouldn't be smoking in the open air where air blows your smoke to people who were sitting there before you. If you were there first, I'll be happy (well, not really) to move. If you come and sit down next to me and light up, I won't be.
And now we have come full circle to the argument that, well, you weigh up the sides and see that not concentrating because you are looking at the speedo and driving more slowly will most probably result in less accidents than not concentrating while visualising what people are saying, driving...
I still don't see talking on the phone as the same as concentrating on the speedo. Talking on the phone (and visualising what the person is telling you) takes away from your capacity to understand what is going on around you spatially, because they use the same part of the brain.
People try and talk on phones while driving full speed. It takes attention off the road while people are still driving over the speed limit.
Also, it is legal to talk on handsfree in the car. Talking on handheld phones means people would only drive with one hand.
I don't think you can...
If people crash when they are paying full attention and speeding, especially in dangerous areas, speed might be the factor that contributes to the crash, not attention.
I agree, speed cameras take people's attention away from the road. I don't agree that this is a bad thing which is going to...
you're still making assertions, even after 2 pages of arguments
If they haven't caused any (I read, many, since you don't know if they haven't caused any) accidents yet, why is it only a matter of time? How willl they all of a sudden start causing accidents?
phanatic said it all. but i'll repeat anyway. if you're confused about tutorial work, it is best to contact your tutor, rather than the course convenor. the tutors are generally your first (and normally only, if you have a good tutor) point of contact when it comes to clarifying tutorial...
i wouldn't be able to concentrate if i thought they were going to come back so it would defeat the purpose of having a table in the library
but.. unless they 'mind' the same table everyday, maybe they wouldn't know exactly which table they were originally using...
you have to search 'campus' as the keyword
sometimes jobs at macquarie come up. but i have found that most of the jobs at macquarie are unadvertised. if there is a specific place you want to work in you would be better approaching them to ask them how to get a job. if you want to work with your...
meh, i may as well start the off topicness from this post, why wait for 2 more posts to appear
BBQ rabbit is good
semi-on topic though, i haven't tried it but would love to, it would be so convenient.
what is the internal communications? can you talk to other macquarie students?