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  1. iambored

    asking for phone numberz

    I think if he wanted it he would ask for it.
  2. iambored

    Are there any good Christian Clubs at MQ?

    there is a hillsong group student life is the dominant one, you will definitely hear from them, they are not conservative there is a catholic one and some other christian denominations but you don't hear from them
  3. iambored

    Acne solutions?

    No, that is another reason why the dermos are more likely to prescribe other things first.
  4. iambored

    Acne solutions?

    Not only that, but Roaccutane is very expensive for the government as they subsidise it.
  5. iambored

    Acne solutions?

    If you've tried products then go to a doctor. They will probably give you a cream. :eek: That can be worse for you because (1) you are adding heat. Heat is not good for acne. (2) You're artificilally drying out your skin, your skin will produce more oil, oil is not good for acne. I have found...
  6. iambored

    UAI Comparison 06 vs 05

    Do we know how mac compares to the other unis? If the other unis, namely unsw, syd and uts, cutoffs went up, the reason could be simply less demand for mac this year
  7. iambored

    Subway pay?

    search threads because i think it has been done
  8. iambored

    Would you have an abortion?

    When at that stage of your life you can more readily deal with having children, so no.
  9. iambored


    If you don't need the money now you should get a great tax return
  10. iambored

    jesus christ

    lol, considering most high school leavers are nocturnal i am surprised they don't let you choose after 12pm. maybe someone with a paper who is online here can PM you your offer (if you PM them your name)
  11. iambored

    Smart Casual

    don't wear a polo or jeans. smart casual is between casual and formal. a button up collared shirt without a tie will work.
  12. iambored

    So torn...

    You know you should follow your head so follow it.
  13. iambored

    Would you have an abortion?

    referring to what?
  14. iambored

    'last unread post' button

    No i haven't changed the default number of posts per page recently. checking that page i am set to 'use forum default' Links (of threads I know I have visited in the last couple of days) and the date they go to are below. first post...
  15. iambored

    UAI Comparison 06 vs 05

    on a whole it looks like courses dropped
  16. iambored

    New mqers come on down!

    congrats and welcome how about posting a picture of yourself...
  17. iambored

    New mqers come on down!

    wtf where are you going? don't leech off us :p
  18. iambored

    New mqers come on down!

    my name is iambored, new mqers - where are you?! introduce yourself to us and get with the mq spirit
  19. iambored

    New content-based forum links

    thanks, you're full of useful information