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  1. iambored

    'last unread post' button

    when i click the 'last unread post' button it takes me to posts made on the 10 january! this has been happening for the last few days. Even when i have visited the thread numerous times. Is this happening to anyone else?
  2. iambored


    if you don't mind being stalked tell us: * your degree, * give a link to the page of the handbook with your degree rules, * list all the subjects you have done and will do (minus the electives you still need to do), preferably with credit point value listed as well so we can work it out.
  3. iambored

    usb sticks

    Thanks - I do download at home but if I have a break at uni it is so much quicker to download them there. Lol I am also browsing e-bay. Deal is ok provided it goes for $10 only since they charge $10 postage
  4. iambored

    usb sticks

    Yeah. For me though I have a 256 and I do fill it (I transport ilectures). It looks like price-wise they are the only 2 that are becoming widely available cheaply
  5. iambored

    usb sticks

    Thanks. That's the cheapest I have seen as well but they are also selling the 256MB Lexar (purple one) for $30 so for $10 more you get double the storage.
  6. iambored

    usb sticks

    Any recommendations? a) For price b) One that is small, will not easily break. Preferably with an attached lid so I don't lose it.
  7. iambored

    YAY~Check this out^^

    Numbered for convenience 1 i don't care. food is expensive as it is, i don't buy much food from uni for that reason 2 what does that mean? 4 wtf? what does that mean?
  8. iambored

    Would you have an abortion?

    That sounds funny to me, you'd kill your own so you can adopt someone else's After abortion you don't know that you'll still be able to have children. But it's not equal because of the obvious reasons and also because mother's are always given the heavier load in raising the children...
  9. iambored

    Sex Before Marriage

    What happens if for some reason you become a non-believer? Would you still wait? How do you know that? What if you're still both going to the same destination? Do you really think God would pick and choose his people, that only the people who believed in him would go to heaven and the others...
  10. iambored

    statement tees or not
  11. iambored

    Sex Before Marriage

  12. iambored

    Windows Live (Hotmail, MSN, etc..)

    lol what do you think of vista, dumsum? is live pronounced "i saw a live band yesterday" or "i live in america"?
  13. iambored

    what's it like to be a Casual?

    that description of being a casual is about right. you never know when you will get to work, sometimes it's a lot and they keep asking you for more, sometimes it's virtually nothing
  14. iambored

    2006 Units

    but then you don't have the chance of getting first choice for class times, which will piss me off, they must get so many people asking to add cp, as cyan said, they should have max enrolment (which doesn't exist, so they should just let us enrol in anything without any extra crap)
  15. iambored

    I need some subjects to do.

    What is your degree? Is it this one --> or -->...
  16. iambored

    Sex Before Marriage

    user cp / edit options / "messaging and notifications" box / enable PM
  17. iambored

    Sex Before Marriage

    brad cube - you don't have PMs enabled
  18. iambored

    I need some subtle ways of letting a girl know I like her :p

    AHAHAH??? did it REALLY happen??? I got a strange vibe, lol, thought I would warn you, the world works in strange ways
  19. iambored

    Sex Before Marriage

  20. iambored

    2006 Units

    Yes, but on e-student when you enrol in the minimum number of cp required for your degree, by default, they won't let you enrol in anything else.