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  1. N

    Any tips on 1984 (proposed essay structure) + any good quotes???

    well if u wanna compare their relationship from start to end u can have a quote abt him finding julia "pretty and sexless" (which links to hope because their relationship is a direct rebellion against the party's demonisation of sex) then him in the ministry of love betraying her... showing the...
  2. N

    Tutors writes essays for you??

    its true. my entire english class is like that, they get their tutors to do everything for them bc they're lazy and cant study for themselves. makes u wonder why they're doing just fine in English but flunking other subjects
  3. N

    Any tips on 1984 (proposed essay structure) + any good quotes???

    yeah and here you can talk about the paradox of absolute truth vs subjective reality hope = subjective = expunged by regime loyalty = absolute truth = forced by regime human behaviour = both = as dictated by the bounds of bb (eg. emotion is controlled to love bb,, doesn't mean its not there)
  4. N

    Any tips on 1984 (proposed essay structure) + any good quotes???

    yepp this can form part of ur thesis, make sure to talk abt the novel as a whole (part 1 to part 3 -- good commentary on form)
  5. N

    Any tips on 1984 (proposed essay structure) + any good quotes???

    ooo i rlly like ur third point, u can further it by talking abt how district 9's idea of hope doesn't fit the objective reality/collective experience of oppression bc they're idea of happiness is dictated by the regime. what they find happy is what winston may find oppressive, then talk abt the...
  6. N

    Thoughts on memorising for Eng Adv Trials?

    no sometimes u just have to make them fit the question, spend like 4-5 mins planning on how ur techniques can relate to the question in any way, that can make the biggest difference. otherwise, memorise a range of quotes that can be applied to specific scenarios
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    Is Atar of 70 possible

    i don't think he's single-handedly making yall look bad 💀
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    sweaty kid doing the asian five wants a 99.95 atar and get into med

    ur in year 10. the amt ur studying is just fine
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    doing more e1 study than adv (maths) even though it counts for half

    nah cuz i got my predicted atar today by my mentor and I'm this close to jumping in front of a train
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    got my trial results back and need help

    id say ur rank matters a bit more than ur mark bro 😭
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    CASIO fx-8200 AU - new calculator coming next year.

    obviously, I'm not the she hulk
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    CASIO fx-8200 AU - new calculator coming next year.

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    CASIO fx-8200 AU - new calculator coming next year.

    its not working bro I'm scared I'm gonna break it
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    Is it possible to still get a band 6 even if internal ranks arent good?

    why do all james ruse students get triggered so easily its as if going to jrahs is their whole personality