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  1. H

    HSC comeback

    I think so, but you would need to smash ur hsc, esp
  2. H

    Post-Trials, awkward phase: what now? How to study for the HSC?

    same but im trying it for the first time lol
  3. H

    Post-Trials, awkward phase: what now? How to study for the HSC?

    I've set up this plan where each night I dedicate a subject to do a past paper for, so tn is chem tmr is maths, wed is latin ill let u know how it goes
  4. H

    HSC comeback

    I think it depends on your rank, cohort and subjects as well? Its definitely possibly but need more info
  5. H

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    stop look its a good thing to be good at eng too
  6. H

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    at least now maths is compulsory for younger cohorts so those people who love english can get wrecked
  7. H


    yeah but they dont have a book for ext 2 unfortunately, im def going to do the chem and maths x 1 ones though
  8. H


    i feel so awkward just standing here LMAO
  9. H


    okay slay, i just printed the last ten years for now im waiting
  10. H


    how many years back for maths x 2 should i print im standing at my printer rn around 10 years??
  11. H

    binomials help ;/

    don't know whether this is correct
  12. H

    binomials help ;/

    its the same sort of reasoning as i was using before, you set up a general expression and chose n = 1 to get the general form for the term in x then you solve for the coefficient = 28 for the first equation. Then you do the same by setting n =2 to get the general form for the term in x^2 and...
  13. H

    Confused about amides??

    WAIT NO GOT IT sorry forgot mod 1 there for a min
  14. H

    Confused about amides??

    perfect then i wont worry about the first thing with the carboxylic acid why cant the Hs on the CH3 hydrogen bond as well?
  15. H

    binomials help ;/

    correct me if i mucked up
  16. H

    Confused about amides??

    Can someone also explain why amides have higher BPs than carboxylic acids?
  17. H

    Confused about amides??

    What's going on in the diagram below? I read the dotpoints but I'm a little confused why the double bond changes place. Do we need to know this? My Textbook doesn't really talk about it.
  18. H

    Past Papers HSC

    thanks man :jump: