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  1. H

    Past Papers HSC

  2. H

    Past Papers HSC

    that one i totally believed definitely
  3. H

    Past Papers HSC

    im just shocked cause i can barely do normal latin i would have died if i did it accelerated
  4. H

    Past Papers HSC

    nah im sure you'll be fine, you did latin accel i can't even do latin normal
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    Past Papers HSC

    NO SAME I THOUGHT I HAD SO MUCH TIME FOR TRIALS thats why im fixing it now
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    Past Papers HSC

    we can chat after atars come out x
  7. H

    Past Papers HSC

    hahah i don't sleep i am constantly living in fear :devil:👿
  8. H

    Past Papers HSC

    obvs the latin doesn't apply but ur welcome
  9. H

    Past Papers HSC

    yep 59 days till english paper 1 lol and i still need to write a base creative story for mod C :(
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    Past Papers HSC

    yeah and then all the year 11s with prelims stare at me like im destroying their lives by printing before them
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    Past Papers HSC

    im just trying to prevent standing at my school printer for 30mins printing if i can
  12. H

    Past Papers HSC

    and isn't smarter maths organised by type of question rather than by paper?
  13. H

    Past Papers HSC

    urgh what they would totally get bank for doing that im just gonna kill trees and print them myself haha :)
  14. H

    Past Papers HSC

    Does anyone know if any company makes a book of ext 2 maths past papers like the chem and ext 1 books?
  15. H

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    i mean i went to work today for the first time in forever so that was a nice break so yeah thanks for all the advice
  16. H

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    I'm not sure where to start? Do i jump straight into hsc past papers?
  17. H


    i procrastinate actually studying to get a good mark by doing this lol
  18. H

    School Rank

    i seem to have started an existential crisis
  19. H

    School Rank

    haha pm me if u want