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  1. H

    School Rank

    that makes me feel better maybe it will help
  2. H

    School Rank

    oh that yes but even before then, look today i just made the worlds dumbest mistake on my ext 1 exam so maybe all in my feels who knows
  3. H

    School Rank

    OMG WAS JUST TOLD THIS TODAY AHAHAH i have no idea who to believe anymore
  4. H

    School Rank

    i wish u the best of luck with that
  5. H

    School Rank

    lucky oof but now my atar has become a dumb thing of selfish pride than anything else lol i don't need an atar above 80 but i would be sad if i didnt get that lol
  6. H

    School Rank

    sorry lol reread ur og post i think i get it lol
  7. H

    School Rank

    but then this might seem dumb but whats the point of working really hard for the hsc if you get a really good mark it might be given to someone else if they ranked higher than you?
  8. H

    School Rank

    exactly why i am so confused lol
  9. H

    School Rank

    ooh okay thankyou :)
  10. H

    School Rank

    Ah okay awesome thankyou, the teachers at my school (which does rank top 10) keep telling my rank (which is not as high as i would have liked it to be) is fine and the school will push us up but I don't want to solely rely on it ya know :)
  11. H

    School Rank

    What does being at a high ranking school do for ur atar? Just curious lol trying to be realistic after my dismal trial exams LOL
  12. H

    Does NESA print HSC in colour? and more

    i read somewhere that they did for one student which is nice
  13. H

    Does NESA print HSC in colour? and more

    oof sorry idk why i took that so seriously procrastinating doing latin LMAO
  14. H

    Does NESA print HSC in colour? and more

    i think it is in colour lmao cause i have a friend who has provisions where she can't see all colours so her hsc exams are gonna be annotated or something for art idk this provision
  15. H

    should i do chinese beginners or continuers?

    some more websites detailing the difference between beginners, continuers and extension courses
  16. H

    should i do chinese beginners or continuers?

    Also if you have no language teacher, you can do the beginners course online!
  17. H

    should i do chinese beginners or continuers?

    I'm pretty sure to take a continuer's language you must have studied it as an elective in years 9 and 10 or speak it pretty regularly at home. Here's a handy website:
  18. H

    Spheres Intersecting

    yes I'd say so
  19. H

    Spheres Intersecting

    hmm interesting point
  20. H

    Spheres Intersecting

    yeah wait i got it, I think the intersection is just to throw you off + prove the lines aren't skew