Search results

  1. toisthbe

    How much are you planning to make in the long-break?

    I plan to work full-time the whole 3 months. I was planning to make around $6000 in the holidays, around $500 a week, very achievable. what about you guys?
  2. toisthbe


    >72. Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin. AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. should add this >72.b) You add water to Listerine when you use it.
  3. toisthbe

    nice guys finish last.

    nice guys dont get the girl because: they're pussies, they're stupid.
  4. toisthbe

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Wow. Thats almost exactly what happened in my last relationship. Unfortunately I am that kind of person. The 'i dont like you 100%' but ill ask you out, just to see if it'll work, cause i DO like you enough (to ask you out). I do this, because of two reason; a)to see if i can like her...
  5. toisthbe

    Does God Exist?

    if god does exist, hes pretty lazy.
  6. toisthbe

    nice guys finish last.

    that when you're old and saggy, and getting laid is not on the agenda.
  7. toisthbe

    nice guys finish last.

    in order to get laid, dont be nice to chicks.
  8. toisthbe

    How do u tell your mate that you HATE his girlfriend??

    "dude, i hate your gf!"
  9. toisthbe

    Job Interview, what to bring

    well telemarketing($13+comm) or specialised direct sales($15+comm) or data entry jobs($16+)? i dont apply for retail shops, food stores and big stores like bigW and woolworths anymore.
  10. toisthbe

    Australian Idol 2004

    that song sucks so bad.
  11. toisthbe

    Anthony vs Casey

    my mum made this joke in a foreign language: "this is so typical of Australia, you either get a small midget guy or a big fat girl to become the Australia Idol". dont kill the messenger.
  12. toisthbe

    Job Interview, what to bring

    i use to bring all my shit, certificates and highschool crap. but when you're at my stage, where you realise, and you have the mindset that, the employer WANTS you, not the other way around, then all you need is your resume. So I just bring my resume, bank details, and TFN and some ID...
  13. toisthbe

    turn someone down and regret it

    wow thats quality. *takes notes*. my friend told me to tell her im actaully gay, what you'd reckon? would she cry more? or feel better? haha.
  14. toisthbe

    Dating a friend's ex

    i will actaully totally turned off knowing that chick has dated a friend of mine. BUT I have a friend who is going out with a friend of mine, who is the ex- of a friend of mine, of which this friend, knows the the friend that is currently dating the ex-. and therefore e=mc^2.
  15. toisthbe

    turn someone down and regret it

    if i call her and say im sorry, its a sign of weakness. no way :P
  16. toisthbe

    turn someone down and regret it

    I didnt really TURN down a girl. We dated for a while, and I just didnt like her anymore because of many reasons and didnt want to tag it along, hey better now then later? so did the 'i dont think we have the connection..blah blah..we can still be friends right?' she said she was...
  17. toisthbe

    GTA: San Andreas

    "Able to swim" thank you thank you, no more drowning when the car rides into the lol.
  18. toisthbe

    Favourite band(s)

    TENACIOUS D!!! (if they're still alive)
  19. toisthbe

    Anticipated game releases...

    gta :san andreas and gt4
  20. toisthbe

    The Amazing Race

    finally its BAck. "the mole" and "the amazing race" are easily the best reality tv shows ever made.