Search results

  1. toisthbe

    Some Coffee making certificate

    hmmm we all heard of the RSA = Responsible Service of Alcohol.. but what about the coffee making?? im goin to do a coffee making course, to get a certificate, so that i could get a job at a high class see how its like.. but omg im paying like over $150? has anyone done one? is...
  2. toisthbe

    Who works at GoodCause

    Who works at "GoodCause" Well Another month, another new job. What? Now I work at Good Cause, the agency that has ppl like me, standing at shopping centres, or streets, asking ppl to sign up to a charity (wesley mission, UNHCR, cancer council) Why? Well you get paid...
  3. toisthbe

    chinese music videos

    Where do I download chinese music videos? any good websites you guys know, other than kazza.
  4. toisthbe

    working hours and pay rates

    $7/hr?? man thats heaps under paid, to me at least.
  5. toisthbe


    Yeap, if you're the type that takes rejections personally then dont bother doing telemarketing. heheheh Im got use to it cause I was an individual contractor for energy australia earlier in the year!
  6. toisthbe


    I know heaps of you guys got telemarketing jobs!! So tel me, What do you sell? I just landed a job representing banks, selling insurance or something like that. I get 16/hr plus commision, lol I ripped the interview and the computer tests, freaking did 62.6 wpm!! hahahahahah they were...
  7. toisthbe


    nop, I wana go hongkong so bad now
  8. toisthbe

    comp115/155 past paper questions

    17E as wel mate
  9. toisthbe

    TOP 5's

    back to the topic for me, my top 5: 1) Uncle Kracker - Follow Me 2) Jordan Chan - ¨ú®ø¸ê®æ(some chinese song) 3) Train - Drops of Jupiter 4) Five for Fighting - Superman 5) dontknowtheartist - By My Side
  10. toisthbe

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    I listen to live performances by guy sebastian, I burnt a cd lmao. im listening to 'wonderful world' right now!
  11. toisthbe


    hmmm Charmaine sheh..yeah i guess, she got a weird smile though! ill do Gillian from twins anyday..
  12. toisthbe


    i use to like her, but found out that she probably slepted with uncle like joey and twins. so now dont really like any stars from hk..yes im gullible.
  13. toisthbe


    i like playing that game they spin the big thing... and you choose it.. um yeah..that thing. I wasted my free $20 from star casino on the game..
  14. toisthbe

    Summer School

    damn thats expensive sigh.... almost twice as much. and its SO not worth it if think about it. actauly UNI is not worth it, in general.
  15. toisthbe

    Summer School

    I pretty dumb, so i probably failed one of the exams ive done. Is it true summer school is around $1350 each course? how bout i dont want tuition, how about if i DONT WANT tuition? Can i do that? Can i just Do the EXAMs..and whatever they is tested? not many of you would know anything...
  16. toisthbe


    Pin Yin! oh thats what its called. ok going to study chinese after uni exams.
  17. toisthbe

    car question

    dont probably uses the battery up too.
  18. toisthbe

    car question

    wastes petrol.
  19. toisthbe

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    well, just turned 18, dont know much about clubs, I went to a few last night, but only remember 2 names. Home and Starbar. What are the other ones in Sydney, and What is it like there, and how much do they cost?
  20. toisthbe

    How accepting do you think Sydney schools are of homosexuality?

    my school in general had many homosexuals, if not bi's. obviously i found this out after the hsc.