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  1. toisthbe

    So.. tell me abit about yourself

    I havent actaully been asked that question during an interview! But if they did i'd probably say something liek "well im a fulltime student at blah blah uni, studyin for a bachelor of blahblah, and really am interested in a career in blahblah, but atm i think i'd just like to earn some blah...
  2. toisthbe

    Threat or pick up line?

    sorry, whats that?
  3. toisthbe

    The 4400

    i suspected this ending, from part one actaully..
  4. toisthbe

    Shaun of the Dead

    AHahAHha the ending was funny too, how they...oh nvm.
  5. toisthbe

    Shaun of the Dead

    "Shaun of the Dead" Pretty funny movie. A funny version of 'dawn of the dead'. It has comedy, drama, romance, horror and... actaully it has a mixture of almost everything... anyone seen it? man, i love the part when the guy gets pulled out of the bar by the zombies, and you can see them...
  6. toisthbe

    Threat or pick up line?

    the Consistent sms'ing and fone calls just to say 'hi' has got me thinking. so i asked her what she thinks about me, "a friend or helper or lil-brother? etc" she tells me im the second friend she met in uni, and im defeinately not a helper, cos i didnt help her in homework. so she says...
  7. toisthbe

    Need to raise money for your Club?

    ic YAA..i remember back in year 11 when i went. i joined late and didnt have a 'position' because our group was SO big like 40 ppl. At least i got the certificate. "Young Achievement Australia Business Skills Program". Looks goon on the CV.
  8. toisthbe

    sims 2

    everyone who have bought it, or are about to buy it.. you REALISE, that you can download it? maybe you guys are just loyal customers. thats so cool, i wish i was more ethical.
  9. toisthbe

    BOS - Bored of Sydney!!

    my friends are always fucken busy, cause they're literally all cadets. and well the rest are like 'wtf, im not going to go cruising at 1am in the morning', as most ppl will.
  10. toisthbe

    BOS - Bored of Sydney!!

    see how boring sydney is, just drove from lidcombe, to parra, to liverpool, to riverwood, to canterbury to dulwich hill, and then bak to the west...sigh. im so bored.
  11. toisthbe

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    anyone have any opinions on 'boutique'?
  12. toisthbe

    BOS - Bored of Sydney!!

    teLl me more about these BUFFETS? ok so theres a couple in star city. where are the other ones?
  13. toisthbe

    BOS - Bored of Sydney!!

    its not Stalking, just followed the car, and when they got to their house, we just drive off.... espeically fun when we turn off all our lights and then when a car comes by follow it with no lights....oh yeah.
  14. toisthbe

    BOS - Bored of Sydney!!

    Omg how boring is sydney? Ok say its 12am in the morning, and you got a car, and a friend. Where can drive to? any interesting places other than bars/clubs?? I went to 'the gap', walking 1/4 through the pitch black path, then ran back! then went to this building under construction and...
  15. toisthbe

    Data Entry jobs

    oh really?? coool..i get it now.
  16. toisthbe

    Data Entry jobs

    I have been applying for Data Entry jobs lately, and I have a question. Does anyone know what is alphanumeric and numeric typing? and whats the difference? thanx
  17. toisthbe

    miriams concert?

    so whose going to miriams concert?
  18. toisthbe

    Recruiting Cadets

    accounting is soooooooo boring...hehehe ok calm down, just kidding. btw those cadets who manage to last a year, you guys get to do full-time study and part-time work in the second year. ARENt YOU HAPPY?? (yes i was considering taken on a cadetship, but not my type of work, although 5 of...
  19. toisthbe


    civ 3 is fun..i like making 'wonders' :)