Search results

  1. toisthbe

    Digital Cameras

    im going to ask someone to buy me a digital camera for my 18th. so the only thing that matters about a good digital camera is the megapixels? what about battery long is good
  2. toisthbe

    Volunteer work

    become a first aider.
  3. toisthbe


    When you guys say Chinese, do you mean mandarin or cantonese? or some other language? I speak cantonese, my reading and writing is very limited. anyone know any sites where i could download a heap of pages with 'english' prounounciation of the word in mandarin. I wana learn mandarin. my...
  4. toisthbe

    The Restaurant Guide

    * "I am Angus" at darling harbour * gotta line up if you wana go there at night, esp fri-sundays. the food is ok, atmosphere=well didnt realise much difference between the other restaurants along darling harbour. *the RIBS (kangaroo or pork) are HUGE, as in BIG, or maybe the plate is...
  5. toisthbe

    Real Estate

    what you just said meant nothin to anyone. @jayz definately b-property economics at uts. only if you're really really interested in it, not cause the money. i have some friends doing it, they said they do assignments like taking pictures of houses lol.
  6. toisthbe

    marketin results

    P is 55-65 right?
  7. toisthbe

    Damn bodyguard @ Sam Bar

    Its like My friend which is a girl, younger than me, gets to go into the bar, the body guard lets her in even though shows her underage id, she gets in CAUSE SHES A GIRL. but i got like less than 10 days until im 18, and hes like NO, sorry mate. ><
  8. toisthbe

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    you dont exactly HAVE the job, until you sign a contract. accept both, go to the interviews, decide then.
  9. toisthbe

    Music room

    only from 9am-10am..? what happens during the other hours?
  10. toisthbe

    Music room

    Is their like a music room in MU? I mean a room with guitars, pianos etc, where i could just go their on braeks and practice... if not, someone do something!
  11. toisthbe

    Macroeconomics Question

    wtf are you on about? how can a company save 20units and sell 100 units, if it originally just has 100units. wtf are you on about again? ok what i can say is, you cannot mix household savings and investments, with a firms household savings and investments. i fink you should just post the...
  12. toisthbe

    soccer juggling skills

  13. toisthbe

    soccer juggling skills test your soccer juggling skills, i got 44 on my touchpad.
  14. toisthbe

    B of Chiro

    my friend u guys get around 50k not 500k.