Search results

  1. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Heheheh. Nice nails. Hmm, yeah- had a manicure and pedicure for the wedding, so they're all long and purdy, but they keep breaking because they're not used to being this long. IT"S SHOCKING! ehhehehe. Hehe. I have a holiday program of stuff from Sue bigger than anything i did during...
  2. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Geez! Dads do go crazy. Do what I do, DON'T PRACTICE FOR... three weeks (3 weeks now, I think. xD God I've been soooo lazy) Memorising's the way. You'll have to do it at the con, so get ready!
  3. Bunny04

    Marie Antoinette: Kirsten Dunst

    One thing I have to say that was rather annoying. Austrians with American accents. French with American accents. You know, it kinda puts the audience off. Even the children were speaking in french (french actors no doubt). I think it ruins the mood of it a little. You expect to hear...
  4. Bunny04

    Doctor Who / The Chaser

    I LOVE Doctor Who. I'm such a fan. Not so much the old series (1st-8th doctors) but Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant are SOO good! I got the second series box set for chrissy and just can't stop watching it. Hahaha. Oh my god, David Tennant he's hot. (Love the avi k stroud...
  5. Bunny04

    Marie Antoinette: Kirsten Dunst

    Whoa. No one has been to see it yet? Can't really create another Marie Antionette film thread, so I'll post here. It's a good movie, not fantastic but good. Kirsten Dunst actually does a pretty good job, which suprised me- because in her last few movies, I have been a little...
  6. Bunny04

    The Prestige

    I was really impressed with The Prestige atually, i went into it- having seen the trailer a few times and you know gone 'Oh yeah, doesn't look too bad', so I went to see it- it was fantastic. Like a few, I left the seat going 'HUH?! and was confused for a bit, until I sat back in the car and...
  7. Bunny04

    Casino Royale

    Whoa, I saw Casino Royale on boxing day I think. Yeah, boxing day- it was the best James Bond movie I've ever seen! I really didn't get into any of the Pierce Brosnan ones, I just... Didn't like him, but daniel Craig is awesome. Pretty good to look at as well. xD Hehehe. Fast, action...
  8. Bunny04

    Last movie you've seen?

    Marie Antionette.
  9. Bunny04

    top ten films of 2006

    Hmm, maybe it was '05 but I saw it this year, heh. XD can't remember.
  10. Bunny04

    top ten films of 2006

    Buy Dvd (good movies): - Casino Royale - Pirates of the Carribean 2: Dead Mans Chest - The Prestige - Marie Antionette Watch on Fox, but don't bother renting/'buying dvd (okay movies): - The Devil Wears Prada (but the books awful) - X-men: The Last Stand - V for Vandetta - The...
  11. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    at this time of night? Geez, you've got nice neighbours! hahahha. That's cool, you'll be able to get some good tips from sue! :) She's lovley aswell, so that helps. xD Hehehhee.
  12. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Hehehehe yeah. Keep practicing the way you've been going, keep up those lessons have a few with Sue or Georg, and you'll be right! =)
  13. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Well okay, there's two of us here so you can use the plural. =) Hmm, only one more year till you get to the con! Yay!
  14. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Great post Cas :P Hehehhe. YAY for cellos? You're the only active one now!
  15. Bunny04

    Safe Dance - Splits and stuff..

    Yes. Technically it could be considered unsafe dance. Like Beksta said, it's not about showing how technically proficent your dancer is. If you suddenly had to change dancers and they for instance couldn't do the splits, and they tried- thinking they could do it, and split a hammy. Unsafe? I...
  16. Bunny04

    On the Jellicoe Road

    Kinda funny, I know this board was done a while ago but meh. xD I really really like Melina Marchettas new book On the Jellicoe Road, I read it for the third time today, for a number of reasons. The first time I read it, or began to was 2 months ago or something, like the day it came...
  17. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    My Sisters Keeper- Jodi Picoult
  18. Bunny04

    Is Music Extension HARD HARD! ???

    You can't really label music extension as 'Hard'- it's really based on the 'standard' requried to acheive good results. I'm pretty sure Performance and Composition aspects of Music Extension are marked in the HSC on a 'Bell curve'. That means that the best musicians in the state will recieve...
  19. Bunny04

    How are pieces chosen for encore?

    Oh really? Well maybe they're different for different schools, I doubt it- but I remember when my headmaster go the letters- we had two for music nominations and one for dance, and he opened the letter at assembly/concert practice one day.
  20. Bunny04

    How are pieces chosen for encore?

    I think notification comes to the SCHOOL (not to the person) within 3 weeks. That's what happened at my school for two of our music students.