Search results

  1. Bunny04

    How are pieces chosen for encore?

    When you receive a nomination, you're asked to record the piece or pieces you were nominated for. Then you get picked from that. Heh.
  2. Bunny04

    HSC Music Perf - How Did You Go?

    pft fine then.. Ruin my dean rant then. xD
  3. Bunny04

    HSC Music Perf - How Did You Go?

    Isn't that the most annoying thing when people totally write off the Creative arts subjects?! I got the exact same thing with Music and Dance. They were like 'What? You've done your hsc? Huh?" hahaha. So dumb. ANYHOW, Well done guys. It's over! Congrats to you all. =) - - - - -...
  4. Bunny04

    Info about HSC Dance course

    Actually- that again is another problem. Dance is scaled down- it's a Board of Studies problem with the 'New HSC'- Creative Arts subjects are scaled down to some degree- (with excpetion of music 2and extension music). It's not a myth. There's actually a 'scaling' system. It may not...
  5. Bunny04

    Info about HSC Dance course

    It really is an awesome course. It's really what Dance is all about, instead of wondering off and doing all this random work on topics that might be linked by like... The tiniest detail and that are boring. Dance is the best subject ^.^ Pity that it's scaled down so much.
  6. Bunny04

    Info about HSC Dance course

    As said above, it's not all that difficult. You do need a strong foundation in dance though- that you obviously have, so it shouldn't be much of a problem. Composition One thing that's probably the most annoying/time consuming aspect of the HSC dance course is the Composition. Having...
  7. Bunny04

    Performance Opportunities

    AYO programs. You've missed the cut off for the 2007 programs, but for future ref- they do have new programs, such as the Cat Empire collaboration, down in Melbourne. Check the programs each year, there's usually something new. They also have National Music Camp - but...
  8. Bunny04

    Audio Technology.

    I don't know much about JMC, but you could give it a try- go to one of their many open days. (Apparantly there's quite a few). I know it's a little pricer than AIM, but AIM is already quite steep for their Audio course, so it doesn't make that much difference. AIM is a shocking school- for...
  9. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    Jodi Picoult - My sister's Keeper and the free book given with the 'Big Read' thingo . Forget the name. It's pretty crap actually.
  10. Bunny04

    ZOMG!!!! Exam Dates!

    In 04??? Wow, that was weird. I did the HSC (dance) in '04 and we were spread out over 3 days. Probably depends on where and who your examiners are. Availability and all could be an issue sometimes I guess. - our school (consisted of 3 dancers in my HSC class) had ours on the same days-...
  11. Bunny04

    Performance in front of another school!

    Awww hehehe. Lol, we had 3 people in music 2/ Extension and I still got nervous. xD hahaha
  12. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Principal Study - Enrolment in a Principal Study is compulsory in all Conservatorium courses. Principal Study is instrumental or vocal lessons and concert practice, or small group study and is usually available at Major or Minor level of study. Level - Major and Minor have different entry and...
  13. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Heh. I wouldn't count on it.
  14. Bunny04

    Statistics, anyone?

    I've been through alot of diffrent teachers and schools and stuff. You pick up knowledge from switching around. Also the elder sister who's like a professional musician as well as teacher. xD That helps too hehehe. Inner School scailing! This is certainly one thing I don't understand, and...
  15. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Aww, that's really cute ^.^ hahahhaa. Aww, the Swan. Yeah, everyone does that for 6th grade (or was it 7th) Fun stuff. lol. Do enjoy that piece. I tell you, once you've played it and done it all well and your teacher has asked you to play it a million and one times, you'll want to tear...
  16. Bunny04

    Statistics, anyone?

    Well, you could be told by some that it is 'talent based' (I'm talking HSC level music. Professional career. Different story) - But I don't believe it's true. Music is a hard subject, it can be as hard as 4 Unit Maths (Yes, that's like a saying that everyone's probably heard, but I swear- it's...
  17. Bunny04

    Me, You and Dupree

    Meh. I'm going to say 'Wait for it to come on DVD/Foxtel'. I didn't find it all that funny. It begins as a comedy, and develops into a soppy, predictable drama. It's not the best, Owen Wilson is okay- but Matt Dillion. [cough] he lets it down. Kate Hudson is great, as usual.
  18. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    wow, that's cool!!!! Good luck for 5th grade. I remember that. It was a cool grade. (I think- not that I can remember what I played for it. hehehe. Heck, I can't remember a thing about it. xD) What are you playing? Violinist. Awesomeness. Hehehehe. The cello's obviously the better...
  19. Bunny04

    Statistics, anyone?

    Hahahaha. No, Con High is definatley no where near as dodgy as AIM. In fact, it is one of the best schools- BUT con high has actually never come first in the state at Music. (with the new HSC 2002- onwards) Don't know why actually, perhaps it's the students attitudes. Academically it's a very...
  20. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Oh my god, another cellist! Yay!