Search results

  1. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Ouch. I want to see that again. Hmmm... Henry Zidane. They better start working again. Makalele doing a good job too. but -bites nails-
  2. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    That's what we want to see from Henry! Wheeeeee okay. Hmmm... Contemplating on watching TV again, or typing away to avoid sitting there with yelling at screen.
  3. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Heh. Well. I'm all for France winning this game. True that most teams that score the first goal win... Hmm.. Maybe I should go and watch the tv again.
  4. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Ugh. Don't even get us started on the refs. -____-; Seriously.
  5. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    France all the way. Vive La France. France definatley on top of the ball this morning. Heh. Zidane a little shaky though, after the penalty and Italys equalizer. -shrugs- Come on Zidane. Alright. FRANCE will win. I have to support my other country. GO FRANCE. Zippi looked...
  6. Bunny04

    How Does Your 2006 Tax Return Look?

    Hmm, Have those Tax forms for the last financial year come out? Umm, employer and gross net etc. THe thing that helps you lodge your e-tax, or tax return.. I remember getting mine last year like... Nowish. I think. -scratches chin- I get about 550 in tax return. Yay. xD
  7. Bunny04

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    NO FREAKING WAY? There was more ? -cries- I went to George st cinemas last night. (thurs) It was soooo awesome. It's my fave movie now. -nod- Hehehe. So exciting, and the endinging! OMFG! I can't wait for no. 3 (Okay. Not saying anymore here)
  8. Bunny04

    Highest Paying Casual Jobs

    Temp jobs. Office. Approx. 20-25 per hour depending on age. Up until 21, keeps rising. Also, teaching dance is good, like someone said before. Although, they're obviously getting a better deal than me! hehehe, I get paid $27 per class i teach. (45 min class)
  9. Bunny04

    High School Musical The Movie

    Go Grease, but for Channel Seven to call it the new Grease? SHAME. Seriously.. CHEESY to the max. I Agree, GO THE LION KING and those kind of musical movies. The animated ones. -nod- By no means should they make this movie an animated cartoon. Gah. Badness.
  10. Bunny04

    What sort of stimulus should I use...any suggestions

    Heh. Ten People? Awww. We only had 3 people in my year 11-12 class ^.^ It was neat. xD Remember, not to copy other peoples dances. So, taking 'Indian' movments and stuff, could be considered plagerism if used too much. Then again you've got to start somewhere.
  11. Bunny04

    High School Musical The Movie

    Hahahaha. I just laughed myself stupid watching the movie the other night on ch 7. Oh boy, American Teen movies. Just getting a whole lot worse.
  12. Bunny04

    What sort of stimulus should I use...any suggestions

    Hey, Year 10's always a good time to start ^.- Like it's been said in numerous posts already, try and stick with something like an 'object'. Don't have a subject that's 'huge'. It makes it alot harder for yourself, and sometimes the examiner, to actually see what you're doing. The...
  13. Bunny04

    Performance Opportunities

    Hey, It's quite rare that work for sessions and so on will be placed on a website of adds. Musicians tend to get their work through contacts. It can be a rather unfair business that way, but it's what you expect. There may be the occasional posting for gigs and things on youth orchestra web...
  14. Bunny04

    uni is just like high school

    Heh. My course isn't that bad, Well that's what I thought in first year. Come Second year now, it's like "PAIN" and i'm like. "Wtf, it's hard' and yes. That's my two cents.
  15. Bunny04

    Music Music Music Music Pleaseeeee

    Hehehe, that's cool!!! Another swimming one! :D Yay!
  16. Bunny04

    Music Music Music Music Pleaseeeee

    Oooh, No.. I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean to freak you out! eep!!!!!! I'd just speak with your Dance teacher about it, see if she can help out with it. You should stick with the body image and everything, but narrow it down- otherwise when it comes to composition exam, viva Voce- after the dance-...
  17. Bunny04

    ur 'comfort' item/style?

    My skinnies, and like most girls have said. . V necked tops. Usually in black, or my dark blue/navy blue one. Mascara is my all time fave make up, plus a little blush, and definatley lip gloss- my lips get extremley cracked and stuff, even in summer. It's quite annoying.
  18. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Usually the head of the unit and a few of the instrumental teachers, for instance.. For the Cello Auditions You'd have the head of strings, (Geotz Richter - Violin) The head of the Instrument (cello- Georg Pederson) The senior Lecturer of the instrument (cello- Susan Blake) No less than...
  19. Bunny04

    Music Music Music Music Pleaseeeee

    Hey fellow dancer ^.^, Don't stress too much, you've still got a few weeks.. well okay.. 2 months till the prac exams, and trust me- you can still change stuff and add on, delete things in that time. I did ^^ hehehe. Okay, firstly- I'd say to look at your concept and describe what feelings...
  20. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Firstly, the reason why we have to have a teacher at the con (unless there's exceptional circumstances... For instance, I heard the double bass teachers have all left.. and so that might be the only option for the time being) You come to the con not for the boring ass subjects like harmony and...