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  1. Bunny04

    Top 10 Ways to Ruin a Classical Music!

    Ahh, one time I went to hear the SSO, the guy next to me fell asleep and he started rolling his head to the side, (asleep of course) and leaning over. I thought he was going to fall asleep on my shoulder, so I shuffled a little over to my right, luckily it was my sister - so it was excusable...
  2. Bunny04

    help with music

    Hmm.. You could try some of the beastie boys earlier stuff. Their whole instrumental CD album with tracks like ' Eugene' and 'IN 3's' - don't worry, no lyrics! Umm... -trying to think- If I come up with any thing usefull, I'll post it lol xD
  3. Bunny04

    help with music

    Hey, just to add on that, I really really really wouldn't suggest using a piece of music with actual lyrics. Go for a dance track which is purley instrumental, or something else. With dance, and your viva-voce in the actual performance and composition exams they'll ask you tricky questions...
  4. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Yeah... $100 + for a jersey. I mean, that game was bloody awesome. Couldn't keep my eyes off it last night... and this morning.. Whatever, but 128? for that? Come off it. Buy the wrist bands for 7.50 that's what i did! hheheheheh xD
  5. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    "The Mozart Maulers" - Dorian Mode. (yes, that's a name.. Not the actual 'dorian' mode. He was an ex. Con student hence the pen name. xD)
  6. Bunny04

    Last movie you've seen?

    Last movie I saw: "Posiden" (or however you spell it) Wouldn't recommend wasting precious money to see it xD wait till it comes out on Channel 7, 9 or 10... Don't bother with DVD hire either lol
  7. Bunny04

    Fail / Absent Fail / Withdraw *kindofurgenthelpplease*

    Assignments usually make up a bulk of your semester mark, usually around 25-30% with exams and other asssessments say a tutorial presentation or what not. If you don't hand in a singal assignment-depending on it's weighting, you wont necessarily fail the course. You'll just loose that percentage...
  8. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    O_o;; She did What??? Geotz is the nutter. Completley and utterly. He came and played in our Symph rehersal in the middle of the 2nds today. Strange guy. Hmm, I have to agree. Guitars are kinda overrated, BUT for the first time the other week at concert prac, I enjoyed listening to a Tango...
  9. Bunny04

    Australian Movies

    Hmm, I love some Australian films- they've got a quality to them that's completely different from the Hollywood world. It's great ^.^ Original films! I heart the Castle (like everyone) Strictly Ballroom I love Muriels Wedding- Now this brings out a comment too. The Americans viewed this...
  10. Bunny04

    Last movie you've seen?

    The Da Vinci Code.
  11. Bunny04

    The Da Vinci Code...THE MOVIE

    IT IS A PIECE of fiction. Ignore what the book says, it's pathetic.. IT'S FICTION OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, everyone agrees with this, no point stating it over and over again. The book was a whole lot better than the movie. Duh! I agree, Tom Hanks was pretty crap - He didn't suit Robert...
  12. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    "The Traveller" - John Twelve Hawks.
  13. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Says the composer xD Evil... Why... Yes we are xD heheehe.
  14. Bunny04

    CELLISTS Unite! (fine then.. Stringers unite.)

    Okay, there's one for Saxamaphones, Drummers, Trumpets - but no strings. ABOUT time there was one for cellists and genral stringers. Hmm.. I know there's a few of you out there, SOOOO come here and tell us what you're playing and what you're doing with your musical 'life'. Hehe.
  15. Bunny04

    Meet the Music

    Ewww... 1812 again. Geez, i'm so bloody sick of that now lol. Westlakes good though!!! Haydn drumroll... agiain.. Overused.. and Mozart? well.. Meh. Bloody anniversary of Mozart lol!!!!
  16. Bunny04


    Hehehehe, isn't it strange how Uni just seems to TOTALLY invade your life? And make less time for practice. Heck, I'm doing a major Performance music degree, and I still don't have time to practice enough - (5 hours supposed to be doing.. I get in about 3-4)
  17. Bunny04

    Having a whinge

    Hey, Don't worry about floor space. Suggest to your teacher to try and hire out either a universitys gym facilites (usually they'll have proper dance studios, sprung floor and what not) or hire out a studio. That's what we had to do, seeing as we had nothing but a concerte playground as our...
  18. Bunny04

    HSC performance pieces

    GREEN DAY! I <33333 you! lol xD I love JoS xD like my 2nd fave song on the American idiot Cd. Wassss sooooo awesome live.
  19. Bunny04

    Music suggustions for Core Comp and Major comp

    One thing. With the music, becarefull. You don't want to pick music that is rather slow and overly 'dramatic' - you want something that will quite easily fit into the background, and inspires your dance. Don't go for very slow, and long lined melodies and so on, if your dance is more...
  20. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Hahahahaha, our class is all loud! ^.^ It's quite amusing. But hey, our class rawks. Ooh yeah, i think i know who you are lol ^^