Search results

  1. Bunny04

    Performance Opportunities

    If money's not such a big issue- how about going into the local neighbourhood council musicals. For instance the Rockdale Musical Society, and the Kograh Musicial Society- and there's quite a few amateur groups down in the Sutherland Shire. Also in the Eastern Suburbs. You can look it up in...
  2. Bunny04

    Statistics, anyone?

    For individual schools - You could look up the 'Distinguished achivers' list- but it's by name, not by course. It would take a VERY LONG TIME! You could also look up the top 10 in the state, of that particular subject. I think last years music 2 top came from Moriah College. Ahh, about...
  3. Bunny04

    Top 10 Ways to Ruin a Classical Music!

    Hehehehe. You came and saw that concert? (rach piano concerto / brahms symph 4 ) Mahahaha. That was one funny concert. (so many stuff ups in the cello section hehe) (depending on what night you came. heh)
  4. Bunny04

    Audio Technology.

    As much as I dislike AIM, having been there- the Audio department, based a 'Q studios' in Darlinghurst (Goulburn Street) is actually quite good. Wether or not the same teachers are still there- (the teachers that made the department worthwilde, beacuse to be brutally honest- AIM is a load of...
  5. Bunny04

    Statistics, anyone?

    The bored of studies doesn't actually release information based on specific instruments, or anything like that. It really depends on wether or not the instruments appropriate. For instance- depending on what you mean by 'obscure' - obviously, you wouldn't be considered 'the best' if you played...
  6. Bunny04

    ZOMG!!!! Exam Dates!

    Hahahah. They're the exact same dates as I had mine. The 8th, 11th and 15th in August 04. Freaky eh? lol xD Btw, if your dance exam is at Brent street studios down in alexandria/waterloo. BE SURE TO RUG UP! It's bloody freezing in there. Plus, it's a total maze to get through. AND. . ...
  7. Bunny04

    black screen.

    I had this problem 3 weeks ago. Resulted in having to buy new montior. (even though my old monitor was only 3 years old.. JUST past the warranty) Can you see fine black lines across or down the screen, when it happens to turn on at all? Black lines = Dead pixels. = Needing new monitor. You...
  8. Bunny04

    Career In Music?

    There isn't much of a composition or musicology department at 'AIM' - there never was, just as there's no real brass department (pft) I suggest, before you waste time, and money- that you advise friends, or fellow classmates not to bother. I really hate to diss my old school, but honestly-...
  9. Bunny04

    A Bit Of Help...the meaning of a word within a dance context

    Ideas, thoughts behind what you meant the dance to be about. Concept- meaning, the same way it would within a dance context or not! You'll need to pull apart your process. Explain how you came across your ideas, and what it really means. How you show it through your movments, and music- how...
  10. Bunny04

    Results: Semester 1, 2006

    I just got my second result back (out of 7) Distinction for cello ensemble (Piss easy subject, anyone can get a D) and a Fail for Harmony and Analysis. I totally went crazy in the exam. Managed to scrape a clear 45 in it. One mark away from a c pass. Damnit! Oh well. Next year try...
  11. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Wow. Half asian. Heh. Where'd that come from. Hmm... Anime icons and stuff. but no.
  12. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Well Hey.. At least I'm a french....French supporter. O__o that messed with my head.
  13. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    I know. Incredibly bad aint it? Maybe I'll just stick to my Australian side. Heh. Mahahaha. See, HOW much EASIER is it to spell it that way. God damnit. I really need sleep.
  14. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Aww, give me a break! It was like 4 am when I spelt it wrong, like a gazillion times. I have had no sleep - and I was like... majorly pissed. Fuck spelling at that hour of the morning, without any sleep . Heh. Plus.. I'm french (well half) and the french are always shit at spelling ...
  15. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    =( Thank god I didn't go down to circular Quay this morning, like i was going to! Heh. Ahh... I'm still sad too. Let's all be said together.
  16. Bunny04

    Village Cinema

    The only 'Village' cinema left in NSW is Albury. The cinemas on George Street used to be 'Village' - just down from where Greater Union is now. (there was always two cinemas- Greater union, and Village cinemas on George street) Greater Union has now bought Village cinemas, in the city- so...
  17. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    We're all assuming it was a racist comment, beacuse it's been done before- and Zadine who has been an agressive player before- has gone haywire on racist comments. -shrugs-
  18. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    Well, Me thinks, along with alot of people- that it was a racist comment. Hence the sharp words between the two. Commentators thinking it was racist as well. It's of course- not fair that anyone should say something like that, but headbutting... That's pushing it too far. On the feild...
  19. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    The headbutt was deliberate. Everyone knows it. There was no going back for Zadine. But to end his career like that. Shame. He's still a ledgend to the French team, and to soccer- Although, plenty of people are speculating what was actually said to Zadine. God damnit I hate penalty...
  20. Bunny04

    The Official 2006 FIFA World Cup thread.

    I'm pissed. Zadine... STUPID IDIOT GOD DAMNIT. Okay. BOO to Italy, (-grumble-) We lost to the team that Can't win a penalty shoot out pft