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  1. currysauce

    more questions :)

    thankyou very much
  2. currysauce

    more questions :)

    determine sec^-1 (2) hehe i dunno... also show that 2tan^-1(2) = pi-cos^-1(3/5)
  3. currysauce

    New questions

    thanks guys, its easy now that i think about it... hey sorry, its been awhile since i have done this stuff... i need a refresher haha. meh thanks again
  4. currysauce

    New questions

    A picture 2 metres high is hung on a wall with its bottom edge 6 metres above the eye of the viewer. How far from the wall should the viewer stand for the picture to subtend the largest possible verticle angle with her eye. 2. Show that cosecx restricted to 0 < x < = pi/2 has an inverse...
  5. currysauce

    2 questions...

    sorry, see new qu 2
  6. currysauce

    2 questions...

    Hey there, its been awhile since i've done my maths and now i'm doing actuary!! :( so i am rusty... and am wondering (from u genious's) how do complete these so called simple calculus questions... 1. Deduce that a+b/2 >= root(ab) for all non0negative real numbers, a,b. When does the...
  7. currysauce

    Actuarial/Mathematics Majors

    Hey anyone doing the above combination? It would be great to get to know some of u. Reply if u'd want to meet up O week so we can introduce ourselves... cuz we'd be doing all our classes together! Pete
  8. currysauce

    how do i change my timetable?

    someone help me i don't know whats gonna happen with the lectures that are all together i don't know where my tutorial classrooms are ahhhh
  9. currysauce

    how do i change my timetable?

    this is bad, i got 2 lectures next to each other :( i'm so confused
  10. currysauce

    how do i change my timetable?

    oh good, because my timetable has many classes that start right next to eachother (3 on one day)
  11. currysauce

    how do i change my timetable?

    i also don't understand something, i got classes that end say at 12pm and start at 12pm so how can i work around that?
  12. currysauce

    All right, who'll be joining the ranks next year?

    commerce (actuary)/science(maths)
  13. currysauce

    2Unit Mathematics Tutoring

    Offering tutoring for Maths in the greater western sydney area (penrith etc..) acheived 96 in 2005 hsc - and have previous tutoring experience (tutored 2 students during hsc year) $15-20 an hour - ideally at Penrith library, afternoons on weekdays... thanks
  14. currysauce

    Is 0 even?

    Is 0 an even number? Yes. An even number leaves no remainder when divided by 2. So, 0/2 = 0 and has no remainder. Also, an integer 'n' is called "even" if there exists an integer 'm' such that n=2m, and n is called "odd" if n+1 is even. Thus, 0 is even by this criterion as well. Kool huh.
  15. currysauce


    when do offers come out for med 2006??? just wondering
  16. currysauce

    Anyone received late round interviews yet?

    i'll be trying for med for awhile! sitll got newcastle, then post grad
  17. currysauce

    What UAI did you get?

    97.60 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hell yeah!
  18. currysauce

    Who got the highest in SOR on bored?

    and i was one of them