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  1. currysauce

    You know what sucks?

    as someone has already stated, think about nothing, this happened too me on the School certificate night, i didn't sleep till 3am, You know what, just say to yourself "I know i've studied, and thats the best i can do" trust me, it calms you down!
  2. currysauce

    does everyone else go shit in section one? or just me?

    you realise section 1 u can't really study - its on unknown stuff i guess you could brush up on ur techniques, buts thats about it
  3. currysauce

    Most users ever online

    haha, off-topic, but my friend just asked, "wait wait, who is peter skrzynecki" bahahahaha... sorry
  4. currysauce

    Why am i not scared?

    i'm making it my business not to even come on bored of studies during the HSC, bcause i don't want to know if i haven't answered the question , let alone think about something that cannot be changed
  5. currysauce

    Studying English

    suprisingly, i don't use many quotes - still achieve ok marks i think in my journey's essay i have a total of 5-8 quotes... modules, is another story, about 10-15 for each (short tho)
  6. currysauce

    Studying English

    am i the only one who cannot do this... i mean, i've learnt all my texts, know my quotes... what more can i do... and all the time i hear people studying 8 hour days, i think, for a saturday, i've done enough... meh, just my little spaz
  7. currysauce

    What UAI do you want?

    90+ will make me happy, need 95+ for some courses, AIM, of course, is 100
  8. currysauce


    don't say journeys AHHh
  9. currysauce

    who's exams are all crammed in together

    Week 1 Eng1, 2 and SoR 1 Week 2 Maths 2/3U and Bio Week 3 Physics, Chem
  10. currysauce


    I just wanted to wish everyone the best. Don't stress too much, its only exams, and think of the positives - we'll be free soon.
  11. currysauce


    tip of the day, listen to KFunk
  12. currysauce


    nope the answer is 35/81 any help?
  13. currysauce


    i dont' think thats it
  14. currysauce


    Eight people are to be divided into 2 groups. What is the probability that there wil be 4 in each group?
  15. currysauce

    first immune response vs secondary immune response

    if ur infected by and antigen, u get memory cells right (in the first infection, it takes longer to produce these cells) however in the secondary, these memory cells are present, and thus can occur faster and in greater amounts
  16. currysauce

    Hsc 2006

    all i can say is if i were offered 1 million dollars to be in you '06's positions, i would tell them to piss off... sucks to be you... anyway back tot eh HSC for me lol
  17. currysauce

    Section II - Creative

    What seems like the most likely text type they'll use... because my story would only go well for general story, recount, journal... not letter, conversation etc...
  18. currysauce

    So what EXACTLY do we talk abt here?

    and then considering some examples of techniques from each text to show the similarities and differences. For example, techniques used to show difference in contexts.... Clueless e.g. the opening montage of vibrant colours ironically presented as a "noxema commercial", and the use of...
  19. currysauce


    D's look right... what weird questions... goodluck pace!
  20. currysauce

    couple questions, perms/comb der

    and these questions come from Maths in Focus... anyway the answers were 1) i)6.5 x 10 ^11 ii) 101 606 400 2. 10000