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  1. currysauce

    Relaxing your hand

    hand chopped off means u don't have to do your exam... tho the inconvenience seems like it would outweigh that advantage :(
  2. currysauce

    couple questions, perms/comb der

    yep, makes sense too :) necklace is a circle HAHA - any luck on qu 2.
  3. currysauce

    couple questions, perms/comb der

    nope, not what the book says
  4. currysauce

    couple questions, perms/comb der

    I thought this first one would be easy 8 pink beads and 8 white beads make up a necklace. how many ways can the necklace be made if; i) there are no restrictions (2 sig. fig.) i thought 16! -> but thats the wrong solution?? ii) pink and white alternate i thought 8!.8! x2 meh...
  5. currysauce

    2004 Q9 (c) (iii)

    ok if e is where the max is, then every other solution must be under it so consider what f(e) = ln e / e = 1/e therefore the max point is (e,1/e) therefore it follows all points are under this point ln x / x < 1/e then work through
  6. currysauce

    Schools and UAI

    very low, beyond 500 most probably (we've only done 2 hsc's)
  7. currysauce

    Schools and UAI

    is my school going to pull my UAI down, i bloody hope not, i worked too hard to not get over 90 thoughts?
  8. currysauce

    ozone reactivity

    do u mean oxygens double bond?
  9. currysauce

    Quick clarification

    quite right, quite right u could just state # of electrons (obviosuly, not specifically) metals > semi > insult
  10. currysauce

    ozone reactivity

    has to do with the bonding, cuz it has a resonance pattern, and that it has an instable double bond.... blah blah
  11. currysauce


    there is alot to talk about, far too much to type here some starter material -
  12. currysauce


    I've done this, jst thought i'd let you's have a crack for .... fun By considering (1-x)^n (1 +1/x)^n express, (n 2)(n 0) - (n 3) (n 1) +...+ (-1)^n (n n) (n n-2) where (n n) = nCk in simplest form
  13. currysauce

    Another trig question (graph)

    transformation method > t-method for all real questions hahaha
  14. currysauce

    prob q hard!

    - hence Perms/Comb suck.
  15. currysauce

    prob q hard!

    bugger How is it done then?
  16. currysauce

    Religious Rites

    Who knows, my teacher said that they'll most probably go 2 religious rites from 2 religious traditions, and make it a 20 marker.... cuz lately thats what they are doing (so she says).
  17. currysauce

    difficulties associated with reliable communications b/w Satellites + Earth

    yes, we don't need to know this crap - LoL
  18. currysauce

    reducing and non-reducing sugars

    ;) god i hate chemistry :( Oh and the practical is testing various saccharides (spelling?) with Benedicts solution, if the sugar is reducing, it will cause the Copper ions to reduce in the solution causing the colour to go browny - hope that helps (you dont really need to know the...
  19. currysauce

    reducing and non-reducing sugars

    Reducing sugars contain either a free aldehyde group ( O=C-H) or a free ketose group ( O=C) :)
  20. currysauce

    Glucose, Sucrose and Polysaccharides.

    we don't need to draw them, just describe them relative to eachother, e.g starch has more branches than cellulose etc....