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  1. currysauce

    Synthetic Polymonial Division

    I was reading a course summary and come upon this method of polymonial division, i haven't seen it before... has anyone else e.g. (5x^3 -17x²-x+11) divided by (x-2) 2 | 5 -17 -1 11 | 10 -14 30 (e.g 2 5's is 10, -17 +10 = -7x2 = -14+-1...
  2. currysauce

    UNSW interview news...

    rejection i must of really stuffed my UMAT, cuz i got my 98 UAI estimate... didn't do much :( oh well it was worth trying!
  3. currysauce

    Interesting DNA article.

    This article, found at,5744,16567754%5E28737,00.html , could be used to complement your notes about DNA databanks and its ethical considerations
  4. currysauce

    What is the first thing you'll do

    be excited, tell those who have helped me through this all
  5. currysauce

    UNSW interview news...

    i've got my backups science (advanced) at syd and unsw - then i'll see what happens!
  6. currysauce

    What electives do/did you do in yrs9/10?

    Commerce, Wood Tech. Agriculture in year 9
  7. currysauce

    Two Unit Surfing as HSC course?

    what do u have against aboriginal studies, we live in australia for christ sake... besides their culture and spirituality is very complex... more depth that learning about riding waves... (not bashing this surfing course - sounds fun)
  8. currysauce

    A weird integration - or is it just me.

    thankyou I got a new question There are 5 girls and 6 boys in a group. i) How many ways could they be arranged in a line such that each girl stands between 2 boys? ii) How many arrangements are possible if 2 boys A and B stant at each end of the line? THANKS
  9. currysauce

    A weird integration - or is it just me.

    From James Ruse 1993 Trial 2b) Integrate (x²+1)/(x²+4) dx thanks
  10. currysauce

    Petrol Prices

    Am I the only one considering to use public transport. Petrol is a rip! And having a Commodore doesn't help. I even overheard the worker at the petrol station say that by the end of sept, it will be $1.60 jesus Discuss...
  11. currysauce

    Presents for your significant other

    i'm fresh out of good ideas... honestly i've taken her to a restaurant, etc...
  12. currysauce

    Presents for your significant other

    Helps please whats an idea for a 3 month anniversary - if any? Like something to do that nite... i really have no good idea please no insulting - this is new to me
  13. currysauce

    Some binomials

    this what u mean x^3 - 1/x^3 -3(x - 1/x) = 1 x^3 - 1/x^3 -3(1) = 1 x^3 - 1/x^3 = 4 ???
  14. currysauce

    Some binomials

    ok thanks, is that the only way to do that quesiton?
  15. currysauce

    Some binomials

    the answer to 3 is 4 can u try and get it?
  16. currysauce

    Some binomials

    1. When (3+2x)^n is expanded in increasing powers of x, it is found that the coeffs. of x^5 and x^6 have the same values. Find the value for n and show that the two coefficients mentioned are greater than all other coeffs. in the expansion. 2. Write the binomial expansion of (1+x)^n...
  17. currysauce


    fuck me dead i can be so stupid at times, thanks alot man!
  18. currysauce


    i ) find d/dx e^(tanx) did that and got the answer sec²x e^(tanx) can't do this ii) hence find integral (e^(tanx) / cos²x) dx thanks - answer given is e^(tanx) +C
  19. currysauce

    CSSA Biology Results

    92 - wasn't a bad exam, could of easily got 95 (stupid mistakes)