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  1. currysauce

    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    someones not catching on to the theme that we don't want to redo the exams
  2. currysauce

    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    wasn't to you, never fear
  3. currysauce

    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    ahh - sarcasm, lowest form of wit
  4. currysauce

    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    actually, if i am forced to redo, i am just gonna write to every question - refer to previous paper when i gave a shit
  5. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    its dry cell OR lead-acid and another from vanadium, button cells etc... e.g. my two were the dry cell and silver button cell
  6. currysauce

    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    i'm not sitting any exam a second time, i will complain and complain hard with all my cohort
  7. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    that oyster question was so irrelevant, i get the pH one now - should be 2 oh well you can't win em all aye
  8. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    lets hope girl coming second said she got around 700 so :P! woo at least thats a couple marks i can lose in the mc
  9. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    i don't think i'll be penalised, if so, maybe 1/2 a mark - oh well
  10. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    the oyster one, yes please do LOL
  11. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    how does that work m = milli, 10^-3 2mg = 0.002g
  12. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    thankgod for that combustion question !!! i got around 300 well -300 but the negative indicates exothermic Like i said, i put 0.2 oysters 12mg per day one oyster contains 200ppm 12/200 = 0.06 so to reach the minimum, just the 0.2 would be sufficient = I don't know tho...
  13. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    i'm ranked 1st, but that quite possibly easily change with the outcome with this exam
  14. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    really, would it align that much
  15. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    personally, i'll be happy with 80% for that exam
  16. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    was this NaHCO3 like one of the end questions, cuz we had that removed and replaced
  17. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    i'm calm, cuz i am happy with the rest of the exam, just not the mc
  18. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    i dunno, the MC was so confusing
  19. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    u guys, didn't it say how many Litres of the gas would evolve, there were 2 gases (right?)
  20. currysauce

    Cssa Trials...

    that had me as well i left it as 1 i think in the end, since it doesn't affect the concentration of [h+] i dunno.... i had 2, but then changed = FUCKED EXAM