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  1. currysauce

    Cssa Results

    down from my 99 in the half yearlies your congradulations should go to KFunk - 96 in these trials if i recall?
  2. currysauce

    Cssa Results

    92 some really pathetic mistakes too
  3. currysauce

    Harder 2U Question

    thanks alot peoples i guess i didn't understand the question... i mean whats an award...??????? i ket adding 250 as a award LOL
  4. currysauce

    Harder 2U Question

    guess not if anyone can do this it would be appreciated leave part 2 i worked that out from the previous
  5. currysauce

    Harder 2U Question

    A prize fun is set up with a single investment of $2000 to provide an annual prize of $250. The fund accrues interest at the rate of 10% per annum, compounded yearly. The first prize awarded one year after the investment is initially set up. i) If $Pn denots the value of the fund at the end...
  6. currysauce

    The official 2005 CSSA results thread!!!

    65/84! 77% happy!
  7. currysauce

    Who is over the HSC??

    i'm taking a week off schoolwok (cept HW)... you should too!
  8. currysauce

    trial results..??

    haha doubt it, i ain't even a curry LOL, just a joke from like year 6.... 90+ good for me!
  9. currysauce

    trial results..??

    all are cssa, but i go to a heaps crappy ranked school if thats what u r after xavier college LOL
  10. currysauce

    trial results..??

    see my signature
  11. currysauce

    2005 CSSA Mathematics Trial Results Thread

    98% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  12. currysauce

    post your results

    yeah cssa for both umm 4
  13. currysauce

    post your results

    So far: Chem: 88/100 =1st Religion: 49/50 (prolly first)
  14. currysauce

    2005 CSSA Physics

    piss easy i think
  15. currysauce

    CSSA Results

    WOoo i got 88% = 1st! (meaning, equal first)
  16. currysauce

    what do u think will be in the 2005 cssa trial

    omg thankyou!!! i just want the trials to end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 more!
  17. currysauce

    The 2005 CSSA`

    yes 1a is 2/5 also the induction question was altered by my teacher, she split it up first was to find an expression for teh 1+2+3+...+(n+1) or whatever was on the bottom then use that for the induction - which came out nicely :)
  18. currysauce

    The 2005 CSSA`

    good exam, cept for qu 5a, b i and last qu on 7 rest was sweet
  19. currysauce

    Tough Trig Simplification

    (1+cot x /cosec x) - (sec x / tan x + cot x)