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  1. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Oh man, thats soo cool... Looks like I'll be passing after all... :) I don't usually go to the morning lecture. One is enough for me...
  2. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    OMG are you serious!!! :eek: But I've seen sum non-fluid questions on past exam papers... And why is out exam only 1.5 hours? The other years had 3 hr exams... This is fuxed...
  3. Dash

    HSC solutions

    I'm sure if you ask your teacher he/she will definately have them...
  4. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Oh serz... I had a feelin that that was you after ur last post... Well at least I can say hi to ya now around uni... And about the notes, I just need the particle dynamics section. Cathers notes are easy enough to understand, unlike that other dude... So um yeh... could I pleeaassee borrow...
  5. Dash

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    ROFL!! Queensland, park bench, 17... :rolleyes: Alcohole can be such a k**t sometimes..
  6. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Oh really? Ok u gotta tell me who you are though... I kinda remember who u might be, but I haven't been bothered playin detective... Oh btw, could I still borrow those dynamics notes? :)
  7. Dash

    The virgin boy and the non-virgin girl

    He'll cum in like a minute I reckon...
  8. Dash


    He'd be more flattered rather than freaked I suppose...
  9. Dash

    Are you working during the summer break b4 uni?? if so ... where??

    Christmas casual @ MYER... I think I'm gunna be workin full-time 2 weeks b4 and after xmas...
  10. Dash

    Need help on syllabus dot point

    Refer to the following link for more info:
  11. Dash

    My 2003 Notes

    Great notes dude... I'll add it to the resource page and delete this thread later on if you don't mind :)
  12. Dash

    Harold and Kumar

    Dis is why ppl should download movies and avoid gay pms episodes like v_sia went thru...
  13. Dash

    cram for physics?

    The simple answer... yes :)
  14. Dash

    (FINAL) Examination Timetable

    Mines pretty sweet... Maths 1B 12/11 8:45-12:00 Dynamics 16/11 8:45-10:30 Physics 22/11 8:45-12:00 Materials 26/11 8:45-12:00
  15. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    So um... wat did everyone get in the dynamics test? :p
  16. Dash

    bos student election

    There are better ones but :D
  17. Dash

    engineering students

    Go 4 architecture if you want creativity...
  18. Dash

    bos student election

    A group of ma friends saw 2 ppl from power gettin it off in a tute room. They thought they were alone lol, but u could fulli see them through the window... haha And there are photoz to prove it :) So I vote power 2 the ppl! :p
  19. Dash

    Escape 2!

    Yup, sure is...
  20. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    I did like 3 questions and half of another one... I juss wanna pass this one... gl with ur results!