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  1. Dash

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    Just introduce yourself, tell them a little bit about urself and why your seeking a job with CM... So yeh, basically wat you said... It's not a test! Be relaxed :p
  2. Dash

    taking grog on the plane

    Ahhh the good old days ay Rahul... *wink wink*
  3. Dash

    Orgies at schoolies

    If u go 2 queensland during schoolies, ur bound 2 get pussy... lol pardon the language...
  4. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Nope 4... I've done 2, and I've got 2 to go... lol 4 exams in a row! Wouldn't wanna be u :p Good luck neways...
  5. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Haha... I so killed dynamics! I was feeling the same way as you did... I've never been so prepped 4 an exam... I didn't wanna fail so... lol... I studied my ass off... Maths went really shitty... Materials on Friday! :p
  6. Dash

    Exam Bitching

    All I have to say is that Math1231 sucked!!!!!!!
  7. Dash

    New Combined BE/BCom for 2005

    Erm... what happens if your UAI is not 96+ and you've completed 1 year of uni? So they take 50 percent UAI and 50 percent course marks? I want to transfer, but I don't know if I'm eligible... anyone? Edit: Oh and, does anybody know when they stop accepting applications?
  8. Dash

    How much are you planning to make in the long-break?

    Hopefully 3K! My account balance will plummet once I get bak 2 uni :p
  9. Dash

    Job question

    From what I remember, these are a list of questions that were asked to me by MYER when I went for their interview... Not all of them are as rigorous as this one... :) 1) They ask you to tell them about yourself. 2) Question you why you want to work there. 3) Why they should hire you. 4)...
  10. Dash

    no teacher:(

    Omg what skool do you go to?!?! I recommend talking to ur coordinator first... A teacher who doesn't turn up 2 class is not a teacher :p Practicals can't really be avoided... You need to do them, otherwise read a textbook... Which one would u prefer? :) So yeh, tryin get your teacher to be a...
  11. Dash

    Prelim Physics needed for HSC

    Don't sweat dude, you don't need to know the Prelim syllabus to understand the HSC one... Every concept in the HSC syllabus is explained fully, so theres no need to touch prelim ever again! :)
  12. Dash

    Suggest study tips, I'm failing!

    I would get a private tutor if I were you... It'll be the best way, one on one explanations...
  13. Dash

    Regarding Physics Notes...

    They're not showing up on the resource page? Is that what you're saying?
  14. Dash

    Regarding Physics Notes...

    Ok guys, You've all finished your physics exam, now start handing over those notes! Summaries, websites, you name it... All useful submissions will earn you rep points... For those posting up their notes, make sure you do it in a new thread so that I can merge it with the current summaries...
  15. Dash

    multiple choice

    Could somone post up the paper? Sounds like a generally well done exam... well done guys
  16. Dash

    Goodluck / God Bless Everyone!!!!!!

    Hey guys, (Argh jizzabella, you beat me to it! :p) I'd just like to wish all the BOSers good luck in tomorrow's exam... Hope everything goes well and you attain your desired marks :) PS: Hope the resource page has helped you guys out enough. I've been really busy with uni lately (exams...
  17. Dash

    Band 6 Physics

    There is no real way of telling what mark you need because it would vary from year to year according to the difficulty of the test... Just get in your mid-high 80s, I think that might secure a band 6 :)
  18. Dash

    To Mods

    Far out man... Talk about a quick response! You guys practically live on the net :p
  19. Dash

    Problem with Relativity/Simultaneity

    To make a long story short... Take Tommy's advice... Don't waste too much time on something so trivial. If the books says it so, do it!
  20. Dash

    The difference between left and right

    As someone said before... just use the right hand... For a pos change move ur hand in the direction of your palm, for a neg change move ur hand in the opposite direction in which ur palm is pointing... Simple!