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  1. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Yeh, I didn't do any of the thermoplastic questions... the 8 marker :p I left like half an hour b4 the exam finished as well... I cbf'd staying any longer than I had to... Btw, do you know when marks come out?
  2. Dash

    hhmmmmm push ups

    If you do a shitload of situps I reckon it'll help... I mean, wheneva I do em, my stomach hurts the next day... lol
  3. Dash

    Glenn McGrath!

    Did anyone see the specially made bat for Mcgrath with 61 on it? His sponsors and finally getting profits from his batting game... lol
  4. Dash

    Boring things about cricket?

    The fact is... cricket will and always will appeal to some people and be hated by others... It might be boring, but it's a game of skill and more importantly team effort... Me, having played cricket for a good 6 years before my retirement (lol) can say its a great game... But I don't fancy...
  5. Dash

    going down there...

    I dun find dat a turn on, I'm juss sayin its one of the funniest... I'm not dat sick... :p
  6. Dash

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    I would've seemed it was obvious... but since you insist :D There are sum chicks who look really scruffy and dun dress well... They just look like sluts/bums :p
  7. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    So how did u go in the materials... I found the metals pretty hard! Could only do a few q's there... The concrete part was good, just missed out one q...
  8. Dash

    Exam Bitching

    WooHoo... Last exam 2morrow!!! :D:D:D I'm not prepared, but who gives a shit~!!! yay!
  9. Dash


    They are...
  10. Dash

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    I'd have to say chicks that take no pride in their appearance turns me off...
  11. Dash

    HOw do I get a job?

    Yup, the first and most obvious place to apply first is Colesmyer...
  12. Dash

    what to do?

    Oh man, I can't cook 4 shit... I wish I could be bothered to try... lol Get some curry food from a restaurant :D I swear it'll hit the spot...
  13. Dash

    staring at chicks.

    So it was you!
  14. Dash

    Tricks on Picking up other gay guyz

    Um... a gay guy tried to chat me up out of the blue once... He juss started by telling me how similar I looked to sumone he knew... lol thats a classic :p
  15. Dash

    nice guys finish last.

    Wha? I dun get it? The guy punched 2 chicks and he should be given credit? lol Please explain :p
  16. Dash

    staring at chicks.

    I reckon if your just subtle and don't stare a hole through them, then its cool...
  17. Dash

    going down there...

    ROFL!!!! I would rep you for that if it was allowed... HAHAHAHAHA!!! Omfuk this thread is hilarious! One of my favourite, :D THE ANGRY DRAGON: Immediately after ejaculation into the mouth, the back of the head is struck to make come shoot out the nose. When she gets up, she'll look like an...
  18. Dash

    Jacaranda solutions?

    Ask your teacher... that's the obvious source...
  19. Dash

    Sexiest Uni?

    Most definitely UNSW! USYD from what I remember looks a lil too ancient :p
  20. Dash

    First job

    Don't tryin be picky when applying for your first job... If you're too selective about what you want and have no work experience, generally it'll be difficult to find one... Apply for any and every job that appeals to you! But tryin avoid the fast food chains :p Eg Maccas, KFC, Hungry Jacks...