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  1. Dash

    first date

    guys... avoid all hassles... go 50-50 ;)
  2. Dash

    89ers right here

    In that case I think he ment 89.95...
  3. Dash

    Boring things about cricket?

    LoL relax man~! You can't convince everyone... :P
  4. Dash


    Mmmmm, it was a good idea getting a job... I'm working heapz these holidays which fills in the time nicely... Gunna start gymmin on Friday as well... So that along with the partyin gunna make me pretty buzi... The best thing about it is, I'm actually making money instead of wasting it...
  5. Dash

    For those who work during this holiday

    I'm working like 35-40 hours per week atm... Should ease up after christmas though... Can't wait 4 my next paycheck... I'm gunna get sooo much $$$ :D
  6. Dash

    does your bf oogle over other girls right infront of you???

    Awwww... that so sux... Maybe his not the type to say those kinda things... I know I was one...
  7. Dash

    (Re)-Enrollment (2 UPDATE)

    MMmmmm.... I dun start enrolling until the 16th...
  8. Dash


    Make sure you repeat the experiment a number of times... Make sure pulleys are properly *lubed* so that there is no resistance to the turn motion... Possibly string length and masses are sum variables...
  9. Dash

    You lying Bi%$#es

    That is soo wrong on so many different levels...
  10. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Passed everything thank god... even dynamics... I actually got a HD for physics... I'm so proud~! lolz :p
  11. Dash

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    yup yup :) I'd still chop ya... *shrugs*
  12. Dash

    when to meet ure gf's parents?

    Dude u call that a failing? :p
  13. Dash

    a CV or resume

    lolz... me thinks I should post up my resume here...
  14. Dash

    a CV or resume

    Your resume should be at 3 pages MAX... Never, as someone said b4, never write a fricken essay... Anything you wanna state in ur actual resume, write them out in bullet points... You should generally have 1 page for ur cover letter and 2 pagez where u state ur skills, past employment and...
  15. Dash

    Harbahjan Singh

    In curry language... 'Doorsa' means 'Other'... implying that it goes the opposite way to the regular deliveries...
  16. Dash

    Worst/Funny sexual experience

    A friend of mine went limp while havin sex and his condom came off and got stuck "in" the chick... Dun ask me how it happen :p
  17. Dash

    travelling times to work

    It takes me bout 20 mins to get to work... Dunno how you cbf'd travlling for an hour and a half :confused:
  18. Dash

    when to meet ure gf's parents?

    Thats actually a pretty good idea... I'm gunna do that... Hopefully it'll lessen the intensity of the interrogation process :p
  19. Dash

    Spice It Up

    MMmmm... wanna meet up? I can knock down a few of those 4 u... :) lolz
  20. Dash

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    I get annoyed with chicks who think they're all that... The type who are arrogant, controlling, overly obsessive, rude/nasty... etc