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  1. Dash


    He obviously likes you... I'm with JKD, touch his penis already :P
  2. Dash

    girls giving hints wat happen after that???
  3. Dash


    dash is a civil engineer but i am not... im not dash....just couldnt be bothered to make my own account so i use my friends...
  4. Dash


    Hey, i was just looking through the exemptions needed in the second year actuarial degree.. For CT1 Financial mathematics which is ACST 200 in macq uni it doesnt say you need a credit??? It only mentions the minimum requirements for CT2-CT7... Anyone got any ideas?? Do we just need a...
  5. Dash

    Get Smart

    Do not use getsmart... from what I can remember, half the stuff in there is out of the current syllabus... Jacaranda, excel, the surfing series and most prolly the summary cards are what you should most likely be using...
  6. Dash

    Blade Trinity

    The movie wasn't a total screw up... It wasn't as good as it could've been...
  7. Dash

    LOTR Gandalf Vs Sauruman

    Advertised it on BOS for a while in ma sig, then sum1 ended up buying it for 20 bucks... Which was pretty cool since I bought it for around 30...
  8. Dash

    Ok i have a lil problem

    U tried deepthroating him yet? :P
  9. Dash

    LOTR Gandalf Vs Sauruman

    Sell ur other DVD and buy the extended edition... I did exactly that for TTT :P
  10. Dash

    Myth Busters~

    I've only really watched it once... the one about the coin being dropped from a very tall building... I thought it was pretty awesome...
  11. Dash

    Blade Trinity

    In honest truth, there was too much comedy in this movie... Blade is supposed to be a bad ass, screw the comedy...
  12. Dash

    Reason Why You Shouldn't Tell Your Mate His Girl's Been Cheating.

    I reckon you should've told him straight out when you found out... with a lil tact of course... But yeh... shit happens and you did ur best... edit: ahh just read ur prev post :P
  13. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Well you could always jig a lecture *evil grin*
  14. Dash

    STupid question

    I just use one perforated pad and file my notes away in a folder as I go... Cool system, cos you really only carry one book all the time... You just have 2 be organised, coz u might need prior notes for ur next lect or tute... so yeh
  15. Dash

    doing stuff in front of parents

    I dun really wanna say this, but... Aj ur a bit of a poof... you constantly have 2 mention ur a sex bomb and dat u get regular sex... For example: Chillax a little... sex isn't everything...
  16. Dash


    I find a few of my cousins attractive... but thats as far as it goes... incest is just wrong!
  17. Dash

    Confusing Boys?

    This guy is immature I'm guessing... "pretending" to get cut so it seems like he has a pulse... edit: about the joke that is...
  18. Dash

    How long does it take you?

    Public transport takes an hour and a half... By car... around 50 mins...
  19. Dash


    You don't need advice from these forums... you need to talk to him...
  20. Dash

    Whats worse?

    SMS by far... Coz ur telling sum1 in around 160 characters dat ur no good 4 them... Breaking up should be done face to face... easier said than dun, I know :P