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  1. Dash

    Jay-Z coming to Sydney!

    Hahaha... u guys have mad sexual tension all ova this f*kin site!!
  2. Dash

    Jay-Z coming to Sydney!

    LOL naaaa I saw that HAT and I saw the dude who threw it too! Black NY hat right? He looked so pissed afterwards dat he lost it tho... haha! I swear I've seen that guy around uni too... didn't wanna say nothing tho! But that was sum funny shit..! respect on the effort tho... lol The bra thing...
  3. Dash

    The Best R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop for 2006

    Dre's beats in 'trouble'... omfuk!
  4. Dash

    Smallville (US airings) - SPOILERS

    Smallville as fallen off so much... I'm not a loyal fan anymore. There are only a "few" episodes that are decent... the rest are garbage I dunno... maybe i'm just developing taste? lol
  5. Dash

    First time for him

    Just get ur boy to jerk off like 20-30 minutes before one of ur sessions... If that doesn't help take him 2 da doc for sum premature nasal sprays or something! :P
  6. Dash

    Jay-Z coming to Sydney!

    Rihanna was so shit... I was diggin her dancers tho! Not the thick one... the trim one ;) Did anyone see da bra dat was thrown on stage at Jay Z's feet? He was like... wtf~! it was gold... awesome concert..!
  7. Dash

    Jay-Z coming to Sydney!

    I'mma bring da pigs down on ur azz 4 that yo... lol Can't wait 4 this concert but... its ma very 1st so i'm poppin my cherry...
  8. Dash

    2006 Cultural Night!

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: For those of you who haven't read this yet... theres an email going around about this years cultural night. Man this dude is ripping it up... read on! Cultural night 06- A pile of shit. From the moment the doors opened, it was evident...
  9. Dash

    architecture vs. civil engineering

    To answer your question... At unsw, both courses are tough! Architecture students have no exams and they've always got some major assignment due thats stressing them out... so they're pretty much flat out while uni is on rushing to complete their assignments! ...and yes, most of them are...
  10. Dash

    Wam ---> Gpa??

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew how to convert WAM into a GPA standing? I'm applying for jobs online and all they want all the time is GPA GPA GPA GPA!! Help!
  11. Dash

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I hope Italy loses... they're such a bs team with the faking...
  12. Dash

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Craig is prolly one of best lecturers... I admit his pretty weird at first, but his a top guy... And come on... most of his jokes are pretty funny cos of the fact they're weird :P
  13. Dash

    hot uni people

    Well back on topic... Yes ppl at uni are hot. UNSW in particular is full of hotties.. of all races :)
  14. Dash

    To all~ do u think doing this typa thing is corny?

    wow miss_gtr you'd be a shyt chick 2 hav...
  15. Dash

    russell peters

    Chris Rock ain't got shit on peters... his boring. Eddie murphy is da bomb tho...
  16. Dash

    Myer v David Jones

    You used 2 work in myer at towers? I work dere now..! when did u leave? Juss wonderin if I noe who u are.. :P
  17. Dash

    engineering at unsw

    Read this thread... Should convince you enuff dat unsw is da best...
  18. Dash

    introducing of friends

    4 ur own good... be a man, just f*kin say 'no' to the prick.. you've really got nothin 2 lose.
  19. Dash

    Bad Dates

    I had a shitty date once a couple yrs back... Da chick I was seeing brought her sister wid her! I was talkin 2 the sis more than her on the day cos she was so quiet... I thought, I might as well date the elder sis while I'm at it... hehe
  20. Dash

    shaving (facial hair)

    I juss wash my face with hot water... then while shaving, run it blade under hot water to clean it regularly after every stroke. Against the grain around the neck area and with everywhere else. It works... no glitches :)