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  1. Dash

    Rash after drinking

    Do bumps appear on ur skin that look kinda like mosquito bites? If so and u get it right after u drink... Then u are allergic and those are hives on ur skin... It's like the way ur body reacts when u drink... Reactions get progressively worse I heard... There are sum tablets u can take...
  2. Dash

    lingerie/undies <3

    Enuff already... I want pictures dammit!!!! :P :cool:
  3. Dash


    need help with an assignment qquestion fx(x) = 1/(1+x^2)pi <=== cauchy pdf Does X have expectations E(|X|^alpha) for some values of alpha? Define the values of alpha for which this expectation exists... Alright i have aattempted this question but its too bloody weeird? i thougth...
  4. Dash

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    I saw my first crush that I had in yr6 at a bus stop outside westpoint bak in yr 12... We just shared one of those shifty glances... :P
  5. Dash

    losing weight at GYM?

    What the? The treadmill is the same as running outside... I've done both and believe me both get u damn tired... one is not easier than the other...
  6. Dash

    losing weight at GYM?

    You should be aiming for mid 80s... Considering wat u told me u wanted... Cos my optimum wright is 85kg :P I'm 90 atm, prolly be going up to early 90s once I lose the rest of my fat & gain more muscle...
  7. Dash

    How to get a b/f

    If ur lookin 2 meet new guys... don't hang around in packs 2 much... Cos obviously no ones gunna approach u if thats the case...
  8. Dash

    how do YOU flirt

    Your Seduction Style: The Coquette You are a pro at playing the age old game of hard to get. Your flirting style runs hot and cold, giving just enough to keep them chasing you. Independent and self-sufficient, you don't need any one person to make you compelte. And that independence is...
  9. Dash

    this girl...

    lol I had the same prob as u... I juss found mine singled out one day and started up a convo... Juss find any old reason to juss chat 2 her... even if its stupid (not too stupid tho :P) From there its all good dude...
  10. Dash


    hey, do any of you guys noe whether tha accg253 textbook is the same as lass years?? if so any one willing to sell??
  11. Dash

    Time Dilation

    Note: Also... Quite simply, it means in a different frame of reference...
  12. Dash


    sem 1 accg 253
  13. Dash


    iS any1 doin accg253?? cause all the tuts are already full?? wat tha hell do i do? thx
  14. Dash

    might as well, crosseyed?

    As long as its not an extreme situation, like either eye pointing in totally opposite directions kinda thing... It shouldn't be a problem...
  15. Dash

    Summer School

    ok thx flyin..
  16. Dash

    Summer School

    hey, im doing summer school for econ111... i was wondering if any of you would know how similar the summer school final exams are to the normal exams they have in the semester? Do you reckon they would use the same paper they did in ECON111 2004 semester 2? And if not, will it be...
  17. Dash

    I really like my best friend.

    The best friend thing hardly works out... esp if your the guy askin the chick! Before you confess your undying love to her find out if shez even remotely interested... Refrain from telling her straight out I say... it's LEATHAL! and uhhh... yeh refer to the ladder theory 4 this one :P lol
  18. Dash

    Asking out help

    Roses are good on a first date... I gave one on my first... Hand it 2 her along with the chocolates and peck her on the cheek... Btw, don't tryin get the long ones, get the smaller one...
  19. Dash

    hehe, I have a crush on a male check out chick

    Mmmm... a chick raping a guy... thats a new one... I'm up 4 it :P
  20. Dash

    girls giving hints

    Yeh I was askin you... Bitch fights intrigue me :P Plus, they're so god damn funny!