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  1. W

    Where/how u learn to write chinese?

    I was in your situation as well, i did one semester of beginners chinese, it did me good, i walked out knowing 500 characters, now i learnt more at home so i know about 800 characters, and i can read most things. Just remember, once you get the fundamentals, words piece together and give...
  2. W

    INSEARCH. Your pathway to the University of Technology, Sydney

    Yes there's also a non-award scheme for macquarie university, it's rougly the same, you have to do about a few subjects, where these subjects won't be counted to your degree you intend to transfer to. But if performed well enough you can get into a course inside macq.
  3. W

    IE 7 Question

    I think IE7 is at times unstable, there are still a number of instabilities in it, but i suppose you've got to let the IE team settle back in, so i can only assume it will be optimised and improved in IE8. I've been noticing however with many browsers in conjunction with websites which...
  4. W

    All you want to know about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS).

    They don't reduce the UAI cutoff. They have a certain percentage of how much it offers for each course under EAS. For example, Arts at USYD, they may offer 5% of placements for EAS applicants. Now if the cut-off was say 85.00, and all the EAS candidates who applied for Arts as their first...
  5. W

    Stationery Love Thread

    Pad of paper, pen, highlighter. And if you're like me and you'd like to keep your notes a bit more organised at home and archive it afterwards, just by a few packs of 20 maniflla folders or something and tuck them in there, easy. The most you should spend all up for the whole entire year...
  6. W


    Still around town? you should talk to everyone they give u clues and its obvious what you have to do.
  7. W


    I heard australia got 30,000 all up. I just got Wii Bundle Wii Play + Wii Remote Zelda Classic Controller Now i want some wii points and some more games, i love it!
  8. W

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    I think that will be relative to what you're interest is at in maths, and what you're good at, i mean most maths nerds are well rounded but there are some people who are good at maths but only certain aspects of it. Also sometimes it's ironic that 3rd year subjects are easier than 2nd yr...
  9. W

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Semester 2 Alpha Digit Unit of Study Name Mark Grade EBUS 3004 e-Business Programming 64.0 Pass INFO 3404 Database Systems 2 58.0 Pass ISYS 3400 Information Systems Project 80.0 Distinction SOFT 3300 Software Development Project 70.0...
  10. W

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    When are IT marks coming out? :( hmph!
  11. W

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    Shit. You nerd, good work mate. Why is it taking so damn long for IT marks :(
  12. W

    Examination Results Semester II, 2006

    More like Science/Engo is the last.
  13. W

    Bigpond Cable Drop-out

    It might be the new account upgrades they're doing, they're getting rid of the Heartbeat mechanism. Also shouldn't you call Bigpond first?
  14. W

    asian artists! >< who are you're favourites?

    Lee hom rocks, what about Kiss Goodbye?
  15. W

    Completely New Rig!- Opinions Please

    Another good addition to it would be a 15,000 rpm HDD, if you get roughly a 35gb sized one, set that up as your primary drive for the OS, it flies... like flies like superman.
  16. W

    R There Any Chinese PPL Here

    I feel loved.
  17. W

    R There Any Chinese PPL Here

    I'm from Chad, a place in Africa.
  18. W


    Re: 个文檌詞! Thanks mate, how you know? How was soft btw?
  19. W


    Re: *文*詞! Collin is a fag.................................................
  20. W


    Do not betray me, Huy does not deserver a thread :p he may have a post if you want.