Search results

  1. ally15

    Numb/Encore - Linkin Park/Jay Z what a combo?

    encore's not the first time linkin park has collaborated with another artist. On the reanimation album they teamed up with X-ecutioner and made a couple of rap/rock songs... i luv numb/encore but i reckon its that marketing tactic. wots that called again? strategic alliance or sumthing where two...
  2. ally15

    2005 Cut-Offs

    oo ok i didnt know that. i thought they were the rough guidlines for this year
  3. ally15

    2005 Cut-Offs

    um...rnt the 2004 cutoffs in the UAC guide already?
  4. ally15


    anyone from the st george area get preselected? just curious
  5. ally15

    When did you leave?

    How did u guys manage to finish the whole paper in an hour?~ i finished just in time.... more than half of our class left i guess it was too easy for them
  6. ally15

    what was ur major work under?

    some areas have but im not sure if mine has yet...but other skools that are nearby have already recieved thier artworks back from marking...
  7. ally15

    what was ur major work under?

    was that a hint towards me? coz ive been doing that...describe but no pictures.hehhe
  8. ally15

    what was ur major work under?

    hey lets see it!
  9. ally15

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    it seems like digital/graphic media was a popular choice this year!
  10. ally15

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    i had 2 large sculpture type pieces and theres a heap of stuff sticking out of it so im really scared bits have fallen off...i just want them back in one piece!!
  11. ally15

    what was ur major work under?

    i had it under collection of works but there more sculptures
  12. ally15

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    ok...coz i havnt heard nething about our artworks mainly coz i havnt had any exams lately and havnt been to skool. i dont care if i got in or not im just worried about the state of my artwork coz the package was complicating...
  13. ally15

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    hay Not that Bright wat skool or wot area are u from? coz i wanna know if my area has got their letters yet...
  14. ally15

    When do we recive our BOW back?

    SCA sent me a letter but it was more like a questionnaire? Do I have to send that in order to organise an interview date?
  15. ally15

    ArtXpress Selection pool

    omg! wot skool u from?
  16. ally15

    most annoying person in an exam room

    the thing that irritated me was the afternoon of the PDH exam. The school bell rang at 3pm (end of school) and you could hear everyone going 'Yay!' argh the next 2 hours felt like detention. :vcross:
  17. ally15

    Favourite Movies.

    Romy and Michelles HS Reunion Alice in Wonderland Moulin Rouge Zoolander Big Fat Greek Wedding The Ring Butterfly Effect Gothika Kill Bill LOTR Faulty Towers Finding Nemo
  18. ally15

    New Hyundai Ad Song

    hay do u mean the song that goes "heres to the left to the right to the road less traveled...." or sumthing like that...
  19. ally15

    First Album you bought

    ok first tape i ever had was called 'Rhythm is a dancer' which was given to me when i was 6......hmm first CD was Aqua and 100% hits 199sumthin.
  20. ally15

    Popstars Live [again]

    i wanted miranda to win...kayne will rise and fall too quickly.i think ive sed this in another thread:|