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  1. ally15

    How sad is Big Brothers?

    the occasional tv viewing is alrite for u health:)
  2. ally15

    Adidas ad

    yeh i thought it was all video editing and stuff :|
  3. ally15

    Supersize Me

    i heard that if the pickle was taken out of the cheeseburger it would be considered as a savoury cake!
  4. ally15

    BOA N SHINHWA coming to sydney!!

    im surprised at how popular BoA and Shinhwa has become!! Even non-koreans recognise them!!! when i talk to my friends bout BoA there like "who?"
  5. ally15

    Kelly/Ruben/Fantasia - The Best American Idol

    would neone agree when i say that kelly clarkson is an alicia keys wannabe?
  6. ally15

    ur fav shows of all time??

    Simpsons Faulty Towers Home and Away Blue Heelers Glass House Cow and Chicken PowerPuff Girls
  7. ally15


    miranda's pretty talented. I go for her coz shes a young ambitious performer with a long career ahead of her. Kayne's ..wot like 30 sumthin? He'll rise and fall quickly like that Scott Kayne guy and if he wins, will probably use the publicity to go and do sumthin else....u know like Holly...
  8. ally15

    Age and My Wife and Kids

    i saw that ER ep when that bend it like bekham girl was is in it. She still only looks like shes 19 or do these ppl do it?
  9. ally15

    And the winner is..................... American Idol [FINAL TWO]

    i still rekon Diana shouldve won.
  10. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    i bet nearly evry1 who posted in this thread watched at least one episode of BB....i watched the ep when Igor was evicted and then got bored..heck i culdnt even get sucked into the whole hype even if i tried
  11. ally15

    idol spoiler*******************

    dam i really wanted Diana to win...Fantasis just annoys the hell outta me
  12. ally15

    BOA N SHINHWA coming to sydney!!

    this is gonna be soooooooooooooo good...hasnt it been a while since any korean singers have cum down as a big performance thing? but i cant go coz im saving up 4 skoolies.dam.
  13. ally15

    Official Charmed Discussion

    how charming.
  14. ally15

    The tempest productions

    we went to Vallhala cinemas in Glebe. Caliban was on screen and reminded me of Gollum off didnt notice this thread and i made another one on the same topic...oops
  15. ally15

    Official Charmed Discussion

    i liked the whole "WoW Chris is Wyatt's future little brother!" thing It all made sense
  16. ally15

    The Tempest PLay

    we watched the tempest on stage today at the Vallhala cinemas in Glebe. Has any1 else watched it yet? if so, post ur thoughts on it here:)
  17. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    i think she did. there was a show on a few nites ago and she was speaking in danish. the bridesmaids dresses were toooo plain!!!! it really seems like not much effort was put into this wedding! too pink and too boring...
  18. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    yeh i agree. do u think mary looks similar to her mother in law?
  19. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    i still cant beleive she was just an average aussie and then she was whisked away by a prince and POOF now shes a princess. sum ppl have all the luck
  20. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    gate crash! just rock up in a cadillac with a tiara on