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  1. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    imagine the "afterparty" how boring is that gonna be. its gonna be a room full of royal pompous dudes fluttering around. yay
  2. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    yeh. now y culdnt mary have a few of them on her dress... the queen had a little handbag and i was wondering wot the queen could possibly have in that handbag.....and then she pulled out her
  3. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    was that a crown she was wearing under her veil thing?
  4. ally15

    There's Something about Miriam...

    i heard that the hormone things she (he?)....she-he took when she was 11 made her thing shrink...or she could be just wearing really tight undies that flattens it down......ok eww. i wanna c a pic of miriam when she was a guy.
  5. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    yeh her dress wasnt really princess like.
  6. ally15

    Mary's Wedding

    i only watched it for bout an hour and then fell asleep coz it got too boring. the prince dude was crying! he got real emotional
  7. ally15

    There's Something about Miriam...

    nah she hasnt. shes still got it
  8. ally15


    same. my fav track from Hybrid Theory is Points of Authority
  9. ally15

    The New "Hanson" Album

    i used to be so into Hanson when i was in year 6. i had so many posters, one large frame type thingy, necklaces, rings.....then i came to my senses and kicked myself afterwards
  10. ally15

    Disney On Ice

    nah i think it was a jungle book one....actually i dunno
  11. ally15

    Disney On Ice

    i saw the ad for that today when i was in the common room. it looks fun but i wanna c the lion kiing one it still on?? wait...i just realised the lion king one isnt on ice.....ok 4get that last bit:) hmmm the one i wanted to c on ice was the Cinderella one but i missed it:(
  12. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    BB is neva funny. its just one massive sleepova where evry1 wants to get "friendly" i had so much respest for channel 10 for showing all those simpsons episodes, now....coz of BB its all gone down the drain.....
  13. ally15


    argh! it got moved coz of stupid jess simpson show
  14. ally15


    its on 2NITE!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! um.....wot time is it on??
  15. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    wot a waste of space. They could use that time to air another simpsons episode:D
  16. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    i cant believe that was the "BIG SECRET"....... i rekon the 'another house underground' rumour wuld've been better.....
  17. ally15

    American Idol 3 [Poll No. 2]

    agreed:) and i rekon out of the two, Diana will win.
  18. ally15

    Big Brother's Back *looks at the letters BR* lol Blade Runner...hahahah....ok a bit lame.....argh dam english
  19. ally15


    same!!! i cant wait till this show comes on!! imagine the 'winner's face when miriam tells him shes a guy as well!:D
  20. ally15

    songs your obssessing over

    In the Shadows is such a gooooooooood song. omg fell in luv with it the 1st eva times it came on the radio. Dl 'Still Standing' as well.