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  1. ally15


    yeh yeh! check out my thread ppl have given heaps good info on context:)
  2. ally15

    Good Teachers...

    i like it how the teachers r more relaxed and friendly coz we're senior students. i had a couple of teachers who i have now in my junior yrs and they were really uptight and crabby back then. Now they r more open which is good coz then i feel like i can actually talk them now. im considering on...
  3. ally15

    The 40 minute essay conspiracy theory

    i had my half yearly eng exam last week and it was a 45 min one. As usual i ran out of time and culdnt get a conclusion in. Im tryin to train myself to be succint and just get the main points down but sumtimes there r too many good points to rite!! im a fast writer but i still find that i run...
  4. ally15

    context of BR/BNW

    ooh k thanx pplz! i had my 1/2 yearly last week. Eng was on tues and i had that context question and i had a stab at it and metioned along the lines of Calculon's comments. thanx a billion!
  5. ally15

    Standard / Advanced - What the difference?

    i rekon standard is a simplified way of doin advanced, if that makes sense.... there really is no point in doin adv if ur gonna take it as a vegie subject coz they demand alot of work
  6. ally15

    context of BR/BNW

    context of BR/BNW PLZ HELP!!! DOIN EXAM ON IT SOON...... sum1 plz help!!! can sum1 give me a good definition on wot they mean by discussing the context of BR/BNW?! ppl have given me very vague definitions and im getting really confused... :(