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  1. ally15

    congratulations simon and jules

    amen to that;)
  2. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    argh who knows. channel 10 just wants the ratings. its all bout the ratings.THE RATINGS I TELL U!!!
  3. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    i think its bout a bunch of ppl live in this house that have cameras absolutely EVRYWHERE and every week the nation votes to evict sum1 and the last person that is left in the house wins... entertaining??........i dun think so
  4. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    Big Brother (no.3??) is cuming bak on soon... Post ur thoughts on whether ur looking forward to it or not:) i was neva really into BB... except maybe when it first came out and evry1 was like 'omgomgomg' but even then it was a bit blergh so yeh ne one else ova BB?
  5. ally15


    yeh their latest ones 'Live In Texas' but thats not even new... its just a collection of selected songs from their other albums done i think i heard that their releasing a new album later this yr...
  6. ally15


    my all time fav is points of authority from hybrid theory
  7. ally15


    ah ive always luvd them... havnt heard them live though except maybe the Live in texas one
  8. ally15

    What Are You Reading?

    kath & kim RULZ!!! it was so fricken hilarious!! pity its last season was aired last year
  9. ally15

    popstars lol

    yeh i heard that as well U guys know Blue's Clues? the person who did the voice for the dog died as well. lol not like he sed much just "mmph roof mmph"
  10. ally15

    popstars lol

    it went off air bout 5 ot 6 yrs ago then sumthing else came on.....cant rememba wot its called but i rememba Dragonball Z was on it
  11. ally15


    does nebody like 'in the shadows' by The Rasmus?
  12. ally15

    popstars lol

    dam life was good bak then:) not a care in the world....just watching didnt agro have that monobrow and those really round teeth?
  13. ally15

    popstars lol

    yeh all those sailor moon episodes hehehehe
  14. ally15

    popstars lol

    hey does anybody rememba Agro's Cartoon Connection?? It used to be on ages ago on channel 7 (i think)
  15. ally15

    Home and Away do u guys know these things?
  16. ally15

    Home and Away

    i like how 7s doing that. Theres no stuffin around in between shows
  17. ally15


    hehehe hey elmo y the sudden change of mind?
  18. ally15


    hey u guys if ur just gonna diss them dun bother riting nething this thread is for ppl who like LP so if u dun like them just keep ur smart arse comments to urself
  19. ally15


    Beautiful Day -U2 ~~this song is one of my 'feel good' songs The heart is a bloom Shoots up through the stony ground There's no room No space to rent in this town You're out of luck And the reason that you had to care The traffic is stuck And you're not moving anywhere You...
  20. ally15


    [LP] fans ONLY alrighty im startin a Linkin Park thread:) theres rumors that they r cummin bak to Oz sumtime this year and there going to perform with P.O.D (or so ive heard) BUT noones sed nethin bout location, date, tix etc... Does nebody know nethin bout this tour???? oh and also tell...