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  1. ally15


    hay newbie u r like the only person hoo posts that u actualliy like LP
  2. ally15


    is rob a girl?!
  3. ally15


    who me or robert?
  4. ally15

    annoying ads

    i hate that Just Right ad with the all those ppl dressed as pink tastebud thingies and they start dancing. have u seen the face on sum of them? argh! it pisses me off. Also i hate that 'V' drink ad where theres this old grump and he backs his car into the driveway and these gnomes cum to...
  5. ally15


    y not? its not like LP is the only thing i know and listen i like a variety so hoo knows i mite like RATM
  6. ally15


    dam. this thread was originally meant to be for ppl who r into LP and now its just full of ppl hoo hate guess thats my fault shouldve made the thread subject thingy more precise
  7. ally15


    any recommendations on which ones to dl?
  8. ally15

    American Idol 3 [Poll No. 2]

    i like Diana! She can sing alrite and shes got this cute smile:) hehehe. she seems like a fun person. I HATE JOHN STEVENS!!!!
  9. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    did any one else hear bout a rumour that there going to have a pregnant woman as one of the housemates?!
  10. ally15


    thats it! im gonna dl sum RATM songs
  11. ally15


    ha yeah. i think ill go change it
  12. ally15


    oh ok. omg robertsmith ur avatar is really disturbing:)
  13. ally15


    isnt RATM heavy metal? LP is NOT heavy metal and they're not trying to be so i dont c how their RATM wannabees....
  14. ally15


    ive heard of friends keep talkin bout them but i neva actually heard any of thier songs..i dont think
  15. ally15


    ohhhhhh r they any good?
  16. ally15

    songs your obssessing over

    with ya there! also im obsessed with In the shadows by The Rasmus... cant stop listening to it:)
  17. ally15


    whos RATM?
  18. ally15

    Big Brother's Back

    yeh....i think most ppl r like BB sux but then eventually get sucked in all the hype.
  19. ally15


    hey ne one know any good sites that will give me info on Colin Lanceley??
  20. ally15

    Home and Away

    but in real life isnt she only 18??