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  1. ally15

    25% HECS increase starting 2006

    i know how that feels
  2. ally15

    25% HECS increase starting 2006

    ah doesnt grow on trees u know!! *shakes fist at stupid politician*
  3. ally15

    25% HECS increase starting 2006 does this increase affect EVERYONE or JUST the ppl who are starting uni in 2006?
  4. ally15

    semester 2 finishes....

    mmm.....3 months of holiday...sweet:D
  5. ally15

    for all those.. usyd or unsw is the best

    hear hear! well said:)
  6. ally15

    Living too far from Uni

    ur rite cape...i have so much to read i do all my readings on the train.....or just sleep:) today i was dozing off and then i banged my head on the window :p
  7. ally15

    Living too far from Uni

    i finished last year and went to st george christian school (allawah) y?
  8. ally15

    Nicole Richie new album

    i heard she was adopted by lionel richie when she was 3
  9. ally15

    student fees

    falls as in waterfall? i think jack was telling us sumthing about we have choice? He made it sound as if it was compulsory
  10. ally15

    student fees

    lol sounds like fun:D ppl in my class were talking about taking alcomohol hehehee hmm i think ill share a tent with friends.not so keen on sleeping on my own:P
  11. ally15

    student fees

    ooo did u sleep in tents? HOw many ppl per tent?
  12. ally15

    student fees

    so....we can pay by cash? oh and im going away to minamurra soon and we have to pay $50. Do we pay this at the cashier as well and will they accept cash?
  13. ally15

    what do you guys/gals do in your free time at uni?

    i have no free time..i have to spend most of my day travelling:D
  14. ally15


    got mine yesterday (wednesday) Its $182 from memory and 2 grand for upfront
  15. ally15


    hey cape do u by any chance take any subjects where you are with 1st year tourism students? so in other words do u take any of these subjects-->tourism systems, understanding landscape, indigenous australia, environments in context?
  16. ally15


    i despise the hawkesbury driveway at times like these :P
  17. ally15


    so is the bus still running 2morow morning?? ( the one outside east richmond station that goes to hawkesbury campus)
  18. ally15


    cut a long story short....its impossible for me:( unless i wake up at 4am and piss bolt to my nearest station which is a 40 min walk away...i just cant be bothered...
  19. ally15


    oh no....* going to be late for class train arrives at east richmond station @ 8:50am so i HAVE to catch the bus otherwise ill be late!!!!!!! PLUS I JUST REALISED I HAVE AN ASSESSMENT DUE 2MOROW!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. ally15

    still haven't got my bill

    uws IS well known and i go to the hawkesbury campus even though i dont live in the western sydney area...i dont know y theres a certain stigma attached to the uni...i always had the impression that it was good:) (and it is:D)