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  1. ally15

    Subjects for spring

    POLL!!!!!!!!! hahahahh his a funny man.
  2. ally15

    Subjects for spring

    ima doing Tourism Issues and CHange Tourism and Community Studies TOurism Trends Material culture for tourism cape--> do sustainable. economics sounds blergh:P
  3. ally15

    The last week

    just the indigenous reflection due 2morow which isnt really an assessment. ANd then the tousim systems exam and then thats it!! 7 weeks of hols mmmmm.....
  4. ally15


    commonwealth hecs eh...student support network? :P
  5. ally15


    whats the chessn letter involve?
  6. ally15

    web ct woes

    neva mind i figured it out:P my nortorn anti virus thing was blocking all new windows fron popping up whatever.
  7. ally15

    web ct woes

    does anyone know what might be stopping the web links on web ct from opening on a home computer? i thought it might be all the popper blockers and firewall but i turned them all off and tried but still doesnt work.... any thoughts?
  8. ally15

    stupid instruction

    but why laser? is it coz of the quality of laser printed material?
  9. ally15

    Webct probs

    weeee thanks!
  10. ally15

    Webct probs

    i wasted all of my ink today printing out all the lecture notes :| haha mind sending me ur paper? im so lazy and cant think of any more points
  11. ally15

    Webct probs

    its just a seminar paper for tourism systems and we have to list all the adv. and disadv. of this aboriginal community becoming a tourist attraction. running out of disadv:(
  12. ally15

    Webct probs

    i got a credit:P nah i rekon wendy's kool....but yeh if she was nearly failing me then i would feel angry too im more angry with this paper im doing now:(
  13. ally15

    Webct probs

    yeh we have to do alot of reflection papers. the first one was on self reflection and we had to write about how we came to know about aboriginal people and history
  14. ally15

    Webct probs

    wow u must have had some really bad encounters with wendy:) i wonder if lecturers come in here and read the posts....
  15. ally15

    Webct probs

    shes taking over ian knownds job? and btw how is it that u can still post here when ur not even online?
  16. ally15

    Webct probs

    cape- YES! the problems are located under the indigenous unit!!
  17. ally15


    wot does it stand for?
  18. ally15

    Webct probs

    for one of my subjects theres a list of links for readings and i cant open up any of them... i cant even download them or open them up on another page.
  19. ally15

    25% HECS increase starting 2006

    yeh when i got it back i was like shit.....a 'c'....and then ppl go no that means credit.haah good stuff. my friend got a d and he nealry cried.
  20. ally15

    25% HECS increase starting 2006

    yeh its good actually...classes are great and the assessments are alright. got credits so far...hope thats not too bad. for one class though i actually did the wrong paper(something thats actually due after the hols) and yeh the lecturer was alright with it. SHe actually laughed and sed just to...