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  1. ally15

    The Official Unit Info Thread

    im doing the exactly the same things as super_flyse :D btw who are u super_flyse wots ur name? i mean we're in the same classes and yeh dont even know who u r...or do i?
  2. ally15

    new subjects up on web ct

    weekly group seminars?!?!? ayai yai:|
  3. ally15

    new subjects up on web ct

    grrr to groupwork>.< although it wasnt too bad last semester. Just hope im not in a group where im left to do all the work:|
  4. ally15

    UWS Site

    but we walk though there all the time... i think...
  5. ally15

    exam results...???

    i passed as well with credits:D
  6. ally15

    exam results...???

    i know this is random and has nothing to do with exam results.... but i was just thinking BOS should have like an mp3 playlist thing so when you go into the site theres like a mini media player with songs ppl have voted to be on the BOS playlist....or...I could just open up my media player and...
  7. ally15

    exam results...???

    WELL DONE!!!! oooo go workplace behaviour!! XD
  8. ally15

    exam results...???

    howd u go jennifer?
  9. ally15

    exam results...???

    i was expecting all the UWS ppl to be looks like evryones going 'meh sleeps more important" hehehe WAKE UP PPL!! ITS TIME TO PARTTAAY!!:D
  10. ally15

    exam results...???

    They"re Out!! I Didnt Fail! Woooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. ally15

    exam results...???

    argh! 97 days...*panics and doesnt know why...
  12. ally15

    exam results...???

    hahahaha *shakes head.....studying is so overrated:D
  13. ally15

    exam results...???

    *gasp! i just saw the 98 days until the HSC. im more nervous for the ppl doing the hsc than getting my results :D. i remember this time last year and i saw that i only had a certain amount of days till the hsc....i was on bos XD shouldve been studying but meh. lol
  14. ally15

    exam results...???

    agreed:) she is like that bindi in your shoe that you can't find and it pricks you every so often.hehehe
  15. ally15

    exam results...???

    i had to go into that gol club to use the bathroom coz the station lady wouldnt let me go to the station one. She goes ,"I just cleaned it luv". :|
  16. ally15

    The Usual "whatcha gonna do in the hols" thread

    sorry:( didnt mean to offend. i didnt look close enough:P
  17. ally15

    The Usual "whatcha gonna do in the hols" thread

    for a second i thought dani_danoz avatar was of nikki webster
  18. ally15

    Home and Away

    i rekon hayley will refuse to abort the baby thus leading to her going to op and then failing and then she dies. (which is how hayley will leave from home and away meaning bec cartwright has to go soon coz of baby in real life and marriage to lleyton and so on)
  19. ally15

    The Usual "whatcha gonna do in the hols" thread

    well there u go. 5c?? dam i feel rippd off:|