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  1. ally15

    Transfer woes

    im just hoping the other parts like the essays will make up for that maths question, considering i put in alot of effort into them using the time i shouldve spent on the maths one :)
  2. ally15

    Transfer woes

    i sorta mentioned SARS, Sept 11 and terrorism in general but elaborated more on Sept 11 oh my i cant remmeber what i did for the second part..........oh yes i did nature based trends in Oz and how that contributes to biodiversity thing and the branding one omg i just realised i have...
  3. ally15

    Transfer woes

    i finished it. i chose the brand question "exciting times" and nature based tourism trends in Oz and biodiversity conservation one. that petrol thing was crap i left it till the end and only had like 2 mins to go so i just thought ah screw it. so yeh what was the question about?
  4. ally15

    Transfer woes

    well i dont know if i can yet. so i might be still doing tourism. woooooooo! trends exam was officially ghey!!!
  5. ally15

    advice/notes for torts

    ok thanx:) hopefully the transfer all works out...
  6. ally15

    advice/notes for torts

    hey larab im thinking of transfering to the course ur doing now and i was looking at the timetables and it says seminar a and b does that mean you have to attend both seminars or just choose one?
  7. ally15

    Transfer woes

    ok never mind. MODS u can delete this thread sorry for the inconvenience
  8. ally15

    Transfer woes

    Im thinking of changing to a different uni and a different course. So how do i go about that and does the uni look at GPA AND uai?? And im in first year now, so IF i do get the transfer i would have to start with the first year stuff in that subject right? Would i be able to transfer...
  9. ally15

    Student ID Cards

    woooooo! and THIS time im going to be centred >< current one shows me on the side lol
  10. ally15

    Student ID Cards

    yah i need to go get a new card coz when i enrolled i got a sticker and my friend got a printed one... does that mean new card and new photo? coz current one is shite
  11. ally15

    Advice on choosing electives

    hmm...i dont know what to do. I think i want to do something with art and business marketing...where do we find out subject names and timetables? * the handbook right?
  12. ally15

    Advice on choosing electives

    how do we know what our core subjects are? are we told by the current lecturers?
  13. ally15

    Rising Tied - Fort Minor

    well, the album hasnt hit oz yet ( if it has then im just a noob) But the songs are playing on radios e.g. 2day FM
  14. ally15

    Rising Tied - Fort Minor

    theres also Ryu, Cheapshot, Takbir
  15. ally15

    transfer question

    GPA of above credit average is 5 and higher i presume?
  16. ally15


    hmmm...i couldnt see that far i was sitting at the top in the middle-ish super flyse was near the front though...umm i think i heard poll saying that corazon was stuck at the airport? i dunno it was too early and i was out of it as soon as i stepped into the room
  17. ally15


    CAPE where were u sitting today?!?!?! and yes today was a complete was of time i had a 4r break till my next class which started at 2:|
  18. ally15

    The Official Unit Info Thread

    OMG ELYSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *WAVES I SO KNOW U and yes my name is ally. lol
  19. ally15

    The Official Unit Info Thread

    *gasp i just noticed the rep things are gone....dam i was so close in getting my 2nd green box *cries
  20. ally15

    The Official Unit Info Thread

    lol cape ill be doing the same...look out for me ill be the one constantly scanning the room trying to figure who cape and super_flyse is as well XD