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    I feel so down

    I know exactly how you feel! After my last exam, I had a mixture of both excitement and depression. I was thrilled that I was free to do whatever I wanted, but depressed because I had no idea what I wanted to do. It's kinda depressing to know that your future lies in the hands of someone...
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    BEST STRESS RELIEF (it works)

    LOL! That's funny :D It's true though :)
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    BEST STRESS RELIEF (it works)

    LOL! Come on guys, Pink isn't that bad! Although, I find it hard to believe that her music can relieve stress for someone who hates her music.
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    I feel so down

    I am also one of those people who believe that I haven't put my heart and soul into this HSC. But I have tried! I started right at the beginning of Yr11, and it did work at first. I was coming in the top 10 for most of my subjects, but I just couldn't keep up with all that studying. So after a...
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    What ppl wrote for creative writing?

    Yeah, I was actually a bit surprised when I read that we had to relate it to the texts in Section I. I wasn't prepared for that. I wanted something a bit more original.
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    Yr12 Jerseys: Whats Urs Like??

    Yup! They are definitely COOL!!! :D I don't even mind the lateness anymore, considering that some schools only got to wear theirs for 2 days. Sorry guys, no offense :(
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    Paper 2. Section III

    Didn't you get to keep the paper? And yup, you were right :)
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    How'd everyone go in English Paper 1 ?!

    LOL! That would be funny. They could say "Excuse me, I said pens down" and you'd still be furiously writing, oblivious to your surroundings. Then they'd come up to you and say "Pens down". Then they tap you on the shoulders and you freak out in shock and scream "Aaaah!" That would be funny...
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    Mistake On Question 10!

    LOL! Yup! And considering that I didn't even attempt Q10, you can decide for yourself which category I belong to :(
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    Raw Mark Range

    Huh? What did you do? I don't understand.
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    Mistake On Question 10!

    LOL! How'd you manage to pull that off?
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    Mulitple choice

    Hmmm... I'm not sure if access to the law is a legal concept or not. But wasn't it Kim's decision to not proceed with the case? I thought the definition of the hearing rule was something like; "All people are entitled to give their side of the story in a dispute"? Kim was entitled to give his...
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    Mulitple choice

    My answers were: [list=1] (C) (A) (B) I think this one is actually (D) (A) (A) This is probably (C) (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) (B) (A) I'm not sure if this is (C) or not, but I think (A) is more just (C) I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Does Natural law even exist? (D) (C) This is...
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    Just did the exam. What did YOU think?

    Hmmm... I don't think the use of the words "I", "We" or "Us" really matters that much in English. At least I hope not, considering that I repeated the words "I've learnt" several times :)
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    Just did the exam. What did YOU think?

    I feel the same way! I did Section I and Section III first because I thought they required more time. But for Section II, I didn't realize that it would take a while to actually rearrange the essay structure I had in my mind into interview form. I did "Witness" for Section II. What did...
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    it was ok.

    Yeah, that question was pretty good. Although I repeated the words "I've learnt" several times. And I was a bit shocked at the Section II- Witness question. I guess I shouldn't have left it last.
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    Paper 2: general

    Section II- Witness was definitely my weakest. I'm not sure if this is because I did it last, or because the question was hard. I read the question wrong when I started writing, I thought the question said "Interview Peter Weir about his movie Witness" When I had at least 10 minutes left, I...
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    Bruce Dawe

    Hmmm... A friend of mine did the same thing too. She thought the words 'prescribed text' meant one poem. Well... it doesn't really ask you for more than one poem, but your main focus really is Bruce Dawe's poetry and how they show consumerism. But I guess the important part is that you...
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    Q2 - who didn't relate to Q1?

    Yeah! I did the same thing. I related it to; "Don't it always seem to go/ That you don't know what you've got/Till it's gone" I didn't actually refer to concept of urbanisation either. This isn't wrong is it? Also, I didn't include an address at the top. Do you think a lot of marks would be...
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    i can't wait till the HSC finishes!!

    Okay... what exactly is P.I.G?