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    A "Witness" speech? What's it on?
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    Macbeth and other modules

    I believe 2 related texts would be enough.
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    Remebering formulas

    Hey! That's a VERY good point. Must be hard to remember all that stuff though, but then again... it's all very easy to you guys isn't it? :(
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    Remebering formulas

    LOL! Are you serious??? Wow! So much for privacy... but then again, you ARE alone in your own little cubicle. LOL.
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    Help Me please Trials tomorrow

    Paper 1: It's your Area of Study work. It's ALL on "Change". Section I- Comprehension questions on Change Section II- Creative writing of some sort. Must know most of the text types Section II- This is usually an essay, but may not be. (Sorry if that's confusing) You use ONE text from the...
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    Simpson's Rule

    Hmmm... I think it would be wise to remember one of those and just stick to it then. I'm sticking to the y0 one, it's the one I've known all along anyway. Until today... Hehe :D Does the y1 one work too? Same answer and all?
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    First Principles..

    Hmmm... I think it would be best to know it, even though it has only been in two papers :) It is, however, very hard to remember :)
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    Simpson's Rule

    Oh! I take the first interval to be y0. I thought that was how everyone did it???
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    Section 1

    Hmmm... I just had a look at it. It seems to be alright. It's readable. Which is good :D
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    Simpson's Rule

    Isn't it... four odd two even? Wait... what are you guys talking about? I think it's four odd two even, unless you guys are talking about something else.
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    CSSA 2002 Trial HSC

    How do you guys allocate time so well? You must be fast thinkers.
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    Section 1

    Hey! I did my best :(
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    Catholic trial

    Bob Citizen??? I had that question too.
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    HSC marking - the constant in integration

    All the best guys :) Good luck :D
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    For All Who's Stressing, Here's An Idea

    Are you sure about that?
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    What texts are u studing for each module?

    OMG! You are doing EXACTLY the same texts as me! That's cool :D
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    School / Subject

    That's the same deal with my school! Some of the students didn't want to drop a subject, but they HAD to.
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    It'd BETTER be in that section!!! LOL But it really depends on where they choose to put it.
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    School / Subject

    I go to CGHS (Canterbury Girls High School) My subjects are: 2U English Standard 2U Mathematics 2U Music 2U Legal Studies 2U Ancient History
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    What texts are u studing for each module?

    Yeah yeah! That's true. The question doesn't ask you for any related material. And you are required to answer the question while mentioning ALL the techniques.