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    What texts are u studing for each module?

    Hmmm... it seems like no one is doing "Stolen". Well, I'm doing Standard English and my texts are: AOS- Changing Perspectives: "Looking for Alibrandi" by Melina Marchetta Module A- Dialogue: "Stolen" by Jane Harrison Module B- Nonfiction, Film, Media or Multimedia: "Witness" directed by...
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    Section III

    Will Section III always be a question that is generally on the issue of 'change'? Or will there be 3 separate questions for Changing Perspectives, Changing Self and Changing Worlds? I have seen a few past Trial papers that have had 3 different questions for the 3 different topics.
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    The BOS texts... HELP!!

    What are you doing for the Area of Study? I'm doing Changing Perspectives. I've been told by my teachers that we only really need to know two texts from the Stimulus booklet. And for what I'm doing, 'Changing Perspectives', we only really need to understand "The Door" and "Sky High".
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    heyyyyyyyyy its my 1st time plz help me

    Also, when the question asks you to either 'evaluate' or 'assess', you must apply the criteria.
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    I will definitely scan and post up that booklet after my Trials. My Trials run for 3 weeks, so I'll try to get them up at the end of 3 weeks. :) I am sorry that I cannot post them up now :(
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    LOL! Yes, I have a scanner. AND I know how to use it. I'm just not sure what to do AFTER I've scanned it. Can you please PM me?
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    Actually, I'd like to scan that booklet and post it as notes. How exactly do I do this?
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    Hmmm... to study for Section II, you'd have to be aware of most of the text types. And if THAT isn't trouble enough, you have to know how to WRITE them too. I guess I'd be considered as lucky, since I have a booklet on some of the text types and how to write them. Some of the text types are...
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    Anyone doing music??

    LOL! The only reason you haven't had a go at my violin is because you have not received my permission to :P Nah... it's all good. Yeah! You have good marks, so there is nothing for you to worry about :)
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    Section 1

    LOL That helps! :D
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    Um hmmm... I'd actually prefer to NOT have it at all, but the last time I checked, that was not an option.
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    Anyone doing music??

    LOL! Marina that'd be SO awesome!!! You KNOW how much I love to sing. Let's swap :D I'm sure you can learn the violin in 2 weeks time for the Trials!!! I don't even know WHY you're panicking for Music. You just sing! Oh! If I was majoring in singing for Performance I'd be SO glad! But for...
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    Anyone doing music??

    Yeah, I do Music 1. It seems like most of you are doing either Music 2 or Extension. I wouldn't know what that'd be like. Must be a LOT of work. Even Music 1 is a lot of work for me. I'm majoring in performance. I play the violin... and yup, my trials are coming up :)
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    Music 1 Aurals

    Does anyone have any advice on how to study for an aural exam? I'm referring to the Music 1 Aural exam, to be specific.