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    Remebering formulas

    That thought actually HAD crossed my mind when I was in the toilet during my Prelim exams. It freaked me out though, coz I don't cheat. I was just thinking how easy it would be to cheat though. I mean, no one is monitoring the toilets. LOL.
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    For All Who's Stressing, Here's An Idea

    No, not true. You don't know WHAT nerves can do to you. If you know the formula, you may forget them because you are so nervous and stressed out. I think writing down the formulas is a good idea. The ones you think you'll forget anyway. It is NOT a good idea sitting there in the exam...
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    how do u tackle a "in your own words...." question in section 1

    I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
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    What did you all think of paper two??

    We are not trying to out do each other. We are merely just comparing, trying to see what COULD be done, and where we need improvement.
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    I think the best way to prepare for this Section, is to be aware of most of the text types. And you have to practice writing all of them over and over again, so you really KNOW them. Here is something from my book: I will be posting up that booklet I have soon. I'm sorry I'm taking...
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    Major Works

    LOL! That's better advice than the advice last years Yr12 gave me. When I said to them "I'm thinking of doing Extension History" They simply said "DON'T!!!" LOL! I tried to do Extension History, but I couldn't keep up with it. All the best guys :)
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    Anyone doing music??

    LOL! It is a nice song though...
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    Anyone doing music??

    Hahaha! ROTFLMAO!!! U got Ms Fisher sick. I remember her saying to you "You got me sick and I rarely ever get sick" or something like that. What songs are u doing? Are u still doing "Only Hope"?
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    No not really Marina. Ms Holland said that too :D I miss Ms Holland. She was such a good teacher. Ms Slattery is good too, not to mention funny :D
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    Individual Pro - Costume Design

    What??? LOL. That's not good! Such a popular subject. It IS popular right? Hehe :p
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    100% success in English, this is 4 real

    No, not really. Our exam isn't really gonna be on THEM. It's more on their texts and how they show either Changing Perspectives, Changing Self, and Changing Worlds... and etc But it would be interesting. I'm just not sure how they can help us. Would they talk about their own texts?
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    Anyone doing music??

    Nope, I cancelled my singing lessons with Kelly. Yeah, you'd better not get sick on the day of ur exams. But if that does happen you can always use your quick solution... Butter menthol :D Nah, but you'll do fine. Bagpipes. LOL. Interesting...
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    Remebering formulas

    I'd have to say that the best way to remember formulas would be a LOT of practice using them for various questions. Because once you understand how to use the formulas, you just instantly remember them. But you gotta keep using them for questions, otherwise you WILL forget them. My trial for...
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    Whos done there independent Paper?

    LOL Fair enough then :)
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    No, actually I've been told by my English teacher that "Stolen" is not a popular choice for this Module. So what do you think of the text? I think it's too difficult to use to answer the questions. We'll see when I get my Trials back. Good luck on your trials :)
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    I'm just wondering if anyone is doing this text for Module B- Dialogue. It seems as though "The Club" is a more common choice for Module B-Dialogue.
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    100% success in English, this is 4 real

    Hmmmm... sounds interesting. Would it really be beneficial though? And how so?
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    Individual Pro - Costume Design

    Wow! The Drama board was almost empty.
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    Just curious!!

    Oh, that does not sound good. Try doing the past paper essays. They really help :)
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    Anyone doing music??

    This coming from the girl who doesn't BELIEVE in talent? Hmmm? And who said anything about complaining? I'm not complaining ;)