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    As to the elegance and scopefullness

    But this is 2U Mathematics! Although, I think I HAVE vaguely heard something about it. Is it in 'Applications of calculus to the physical world'?
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    For All Who's Stressing, Here's An Idea

    Well... it's always best to write down the formula for most questions anyway. If you answer the question wrong but have the correct formula, they will still give you some marks right?
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    HSC marking - the constant in integration

    LOL Hey! It actually does. Excellent observation :D
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    is killing BOS members still illegal

    Yeah! Their hands must ACHE at the end of each exam!!!
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    are anyone's arms falling off?

    LOL! Personally, I think it just means he has more time to panic!
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    For All Who's Stressing, Here's An Idea

    LOL! I guess you could always drink it before :)
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    LOL! My English teacher would agree with you there. She calls them crib books!
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    is killing BOS members still illegal

    LOL! My Legal Studies teacher is also a marker, and she said something about cutesy girl handwriting. She said it gets annoying. You know the kind? Girls who dot their 'i' with either a circle or a love heart. So girls who do this beware! It may look very nice and cute and all, but it...
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    Catholic trial

    No no! I wasn't saying YOU didn't know your stuff, I was just saying that in general. I dunno about you... but I think it's more fun to know everything and then go into the exam all prepared and see the question and just sigh with relief. The fun is all in seeing the question. LOL. A...
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    Catholic trial

    LOL!!! There ARE boundaries to 'Practicing' you know! (If you get my gist) Besides... knowing the question won't help you much anyway, unless you know your stuff.
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    Just wondering...

    Oh! Eeek!:eek: LOL. That doesn't sound good. Must be a lot of work. So it all counts? Wow! All the best :)
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    Just wondering...

    I was just wondering if you guys had to take the English Paper 1 exam as well? And do Extension 1 take the exam as well? Please excuse me for my ignorance. Hehe.
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    Catholic trial

    It could be possible that the person simply wanted to know the Family question as a means of revising. And I also did my Legal Studies exam on Thursday, and I'm positive it wasn't the CSSA paper, as my own teacher set it. Although, I WOULD like to see the paper after the Trials :)
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    Major Works

    Well I guess it's not so much "What's so hard about it?", but more "How do you keep up with it?" I think I have pretty demanding subjects. It's either that, or I'm just lazy. And besides, Extension History was on at 7:40am in the morning, and I just couldn't continue to wake up that...
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    How can you prepare for SECTION II?

    Alright, I've sent that booklet. It'll be up soon. Hope it helps :D
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    I'm just wondering... what textbooks are you guys using for Math's? I'm using "Math's in Focus" by Margaret Grove, and "2 Unit Mathematics" by S.B. Jones and K.E. Couchman.
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    CSSA 2002 Trial HSC

    Re: NEAP What does NEAP stand for?
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    Remebering formulas

    Besides... I'm totally against cheating. I like doing something that I can look back on and be proud of because I did it. I have cheated b4 in an exam though :( Not something I'm proud of. But I haven't done it in my Senior Years :D
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    HSC marking - the constant in integration

    Aaack! I know how that feels like. I ALWAYS seem to forget the +C, even in my h/w too.
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    For All Who's Stressing, Here's An Idea

    Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. But I guess you should also jot down the longer formulas too. Just in case :) Oh! I make SO many silly mistakes it's not even funny. They're just plain stupid! That's why time allocation is important. You gotta set aside some time at the end to...